"Here Comes A Big Black Cloud vows revenge!" yelled cloud guitarist, Danger Dagger
after the fifth attempt to crank the generator had failed." The Taxpayers must feel
my wrath!" he added.
The two bands were the last on the roster at this years summer version of "Defector
Fest",sunday afternoon at Overlook Park in North Portland. The festival was a three
day event celebrating portland punk, metal, hardcore and whatnot.
This show was to be a VS show. Two bands would set up across from each other in
a face off position and take turns playing songs. The Honduran vs Anon Remora bout
was spectacular and ended in a stalemate. They were both just that good. Drunken
Boat and Down River didn't participate in the match and played there own sets and
good but didn't keep my attention enough for me to care. Wandering around in the
sun I got progressively drunker and more stoned, awaiting the match of the century,
Here Comes A Big Black Cloud!! versus The Taxpayers. Finally, it was to come but instead
some shitty ass, lame band (not even worth mentioning because I already forgot there
unmemorable, boring ass, lame name which was actually a pretty good match for the
crap they were trying to pass off for music)played. Apparently, they just hopped
on the show because their show at The Know had gotten canceled.
"Dick my balls!!" someone exclaimed in disgust, and I agreed. Dick my balls, indeed.
Soon after, the cops arrived. There was much deliberating and haggling over permits.
The organizers tried to stall until they left, but the Po Po showed no sign of going.
The situation seemed bleak but the bands decided to play anyway. If the cops are
gonna shut it down its gonna be for a reason. The generator was cranked on, they
turned up there amps and as they blasted out the first notes of the first song the
generator sputtered off and died.
Here Comes A Big Black Cloud!! will be playing Wednesday August 12th at the Camel
House. 7503 N. Kerby on the corner of Lombard. This show will serve as the kickoff
show for a month long national tour.
-alexander colfax