This last weekend has been an amazing few days at The Coop.
Friday nights show was one of the coolest, and
somehow smoothest house shows we've ever done.
It was a feature in both the Mercury and the WillieWeek which was a bit worrisome. The last time that happened we had to repaint the bathroom
because of asshole taggers. The line-up was great and it was Kickballs last show, presumably. Over 300
people showed up and packed the place. Kickball fans we're are filling the basement while the upstairs was brim-full for the Paul Baribeau set.
The living room felt like the bouncy floors at The Crystal Ballroom and that was a bit, umm, scary. There we're so many damn people it was madd!
The entire night went very smoothly and nobody tagged the bathroom this time. We didn't even have to sweep or clean a mountain of beer cans at the end - it was a bit surreal
how easy it all was.
Saturday was the 2nd installment of Sound Judgment Festival. 15 bands kicking ass all day.
Deer or the Doe is one of the most incredible bands we've ever heard - EVER. If you aren't familiar with this band drop whatever is in your hands, a sandwich,
a baby, whatever - just go out and see this band and pick up their E.P.! Moral Panic's reunion show cam with deadly fervor and it was good to see them again.
White fang are one of our favorites. The last time the played our house, in September, their plan was to get banned from The Coop by playing an outrageous show
but damn, that's why we like 'em. They're outrageous and just destroy their gear all whilst somehow hitting every single note.
Plan R - The best show we've seen them do all year. I loved the Emily Katz fans, all dolled up, you should have seen them
flee as if their lives we're in danger from the basement as Plan R ripped through the first 15 seconds of their set.
Other than the douchebags that showed up at the end of the night, the whole day was pretty fantastic! There were some drunk shit heads that could barely stand enough
to blare their boombox and not realize they were at a show with bands taht didn't suck...but hey. (You guys should stay in the Gresham Safeway parking lot next time)
A Big fuck you to the kid who tagged the bathroom for this one.. There were a few crappy moments, but mostly SFJ2 was great.
There are so many incredible bands in this town - thanks to Arya for setting up SJF2 and thanks to EVERYBODY who came out thihs weekend and made it such a fantastic time.
There are photosets posted from each show, be sure to check them out in the Photo Gallery.
Kickball on Friday:
Paul Baribeau on Friday:
Plan R on Saturday: