Boot that motherfucker out!Shitty drunks are the whurst.
its almost disgusting, the fact people like that exist everywhere.
I love how his excuse is "C'mon guys, just trying to have fun!"Fucking douchebag.
YEAH! Go back to oogle town, motherfucker!!
ha! amazing video, brandon.
LOL at 'ceiling puncher'.Y'all handled that well. There'll always be a jerk here n there; good call using minimum force in ejecting him.
My favorite part is at 0:51 when the drunk dude says: "You're gonna get brutalized." And Travis from the Big Black Cloud is like: "I'm gonna get brutalized?" And the drunk dude momentarily regains his sobriety and says: "No."Everybody handle that stupidity well. I don't think anyone who lives at the Camel House was in the basement at the time, but I was glad to see the bands taking control of the situation. I didn't even know what was going on until I saw the singer from Rib Cages shaking his head kind of in disgust as they played, then stopped. Travis then quickly stepped in and promptly escorted the "ceiling punchers" out of the house and off the property.Geez, if we want to keep having house shows in Portland we need to "preserve" the houses. I think this was the third house show at the Camel House. It seems like a good place to have shows. I'd hate to see it get "brutalized".
Ahhh idiots at house shows. You gotta love it. I live at the house formerly known as the Neverland Ranch, and we had to stop doing shows cuz some drunk asshole decided it would be cool to throw a brick through our window after being asked to leave at 3am. I just wanted to go to sleep, but instead wound up with a broken hand after having an all out brawl in my living room. Where do these people come from, and why do they even come to house shows? Go destroy your own shit!
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