Please be sure to read the second comment for the full update on this story.
The Dead Air Fresheners @ Rererato, 2008. Photo by codfischIt's been almost a year since our
last post about the art and music space on 42nd and Sumner. The Hare Krishna house turned
Rererato turned
The Wail is ready for another incarnation.
Hey Everybody,
After having a good run of shows, the people at The Wail (formerly Rererato) are ready to move on, and let someone else run shows and live in the space. Do you or anyone you know want to live and run the space on NE 42nd and Sumner?
Its a great space, with a nice stage and 2 bedrooms, kitchen + bathroom downstairs. We would love to see it continue to house Music and Art events. Please let us know if you are interested.
This is a fully legal space to run shows out - provided you pull the ol' Donations instead of door charges deal. Anybody intested in running and living in this space,
get in contact with us and we'll put you in touch with the right people.