This is why Portland has the best damn music scene in the country.
Check it out, There are about 305 active houses and venues hosting shows here in Portland. There are so many fucking awesome people hosting shows and so many more bands here that you barely have to cross the street to catch a part of the scene. All it takes is a basement and some tallboys and you're gold.
We've been doing the Show-Guide for about three years now and have almost 700 venues and houses listed, about 305 are them have been active and thrown shows in the past five months. We plotted all* the venues and houses that have done a show in the last year and we came up with this wild ass map. Keep it classy Portland!

*we plotted all the spots but about 80-90% actually made it on the map, we're still working on our gmap interfacing skills, please forgive.
These maps, maps of each nights shows, will be viewable on the new version of the show-guide we're hoping to release on New Years day..fingers crossed