We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating easy access to music. Music is an important mode of expression for many people, including those who are underage. Venues that consistently put on all-ages events are in short supply. We strongly believe that this needs to change. The music centers that we open will be a safe place for people of all ages to go and enjoy/create music. We are planning on opening centers all over the Portland Metro area. Our goal is for each center to have a venue, practice spaces, and a small studio. It would be open to the entire community, not just one music scene. The first center is going to be in North-Northeast Portland, we are not sure about the exact location.
We're serious about this and we want you to be involved. The meetings should be reflective of the communities that we want to serve. This means people from all walks of life should be represented. Please come and provide your input. The more people involved, the more likely we are to succeed. These meetings are for everyone you don't have to know someone to go.