So…there are many music “festivals” and whatnot during Memorial Day weekend (and a boat-load of bands that hit the road in relation to said festivals/with the on-set of spring). as result, we have cleverly/effectively ridden on the coat-tails of these festivals/tours and are proud to present the most awesome 7 consecutive-days of music (without resorting to festival “test of endurance”/”epic” line-ups…i.e. 10+ bands on a single-day), which we have deemed:
The Know’s MEMORIAL WEEK (because a day is not enough) SHOW SERIES

also, of important note (READ): several of the shows listed will require us to monitor the capacity of our venue/bar area (for everyone’s sake), and we’ll be using the same style of “restricted-entry” that was employed over our 7th Anniversary-Week for the Tragedy/From Ashes Rise/Bi-Marks show. if you are not familiar with how this worked, the amendments to our standard cover/entry to our shows are listed below:
- remove our cover-charge “cap” (of $5) in favor of an appropriate alternative…somewhere in the range of $7-10
- we close our bar at 7pm and clear out extraneous furniture and what-have-you to create more standing-room/viewing ability for the presumably larger crowd.
- we re-open at 8pm and charge entry/stamp hands at our front entrance (instead of the curtained entrance to the venue area…our venue is adjacent to our bar-room/separated by a wall and curtain. the curtain remains open during these shows). the stamps allow for attendees come-and-go out of our space for a smoke/phone call/etc and then be re-admitted to the show.
- our front door-person will be running a ‘counter’ and will restrict entry once our capacity is reached. at this point we’ll revert to a one-in/one-out system that is up to the discretion of our front door staff.
- we often do not allow drinks at our side-walk tables during “special scenarios,” as we must keep the sidewalk passable for pedestrian traffic/only have the space to allow the anticipated number of smokers at our tables without causing disruption for passer-by. this is also up to the discretion of our front door staff (who are unbelievably amiable/looking out for the best interest of the show…so please work with them).
- we’ll run a video-feed of the performances to our barroom tv’s so that people can still see the show in the event that they want leave the venue area (ex – they’re tired from standing/feeling too cramped/need another drink/etc)
long and short is…during “special scenarios” we try to maximize the level of comfort and stage visibility for the show-goers/provide greater compensation to the performer(s) while also being particularly sensitive/not causing disruption to our neighborhood. our barroom and venue area will be utilized as ”one room” for the duration of the show (versus being separate entities). i.e. regular patrons/curious passerby/etc are not admitted to any part of our establishment during the show run-time without paying the cover…this allows for the greatest number of people who actually want to see the show/are invested in the bands/music to attend!