After months of winter hibernation, I have crawled out of my cave [basement] and returned to the land of the living. This was the first show I'd been to since somewhere around early november, last year. Good to be back!
oh shit... you know what? I lied. I DID go to one show (Murder City Devils) recently, and I even took pictures. But it really almost doesnt count because it was at the Roseland.I will post some pictures from that show soon.
Hey Sachi - it's good to hear from you again!!! Your pics are as incredible as ever.It's tough getting out in the rainy days but spring time is coming and the shows will be popping again. I hope to see you for the big blowout at the Coop this friday: Red Dons and OPERATION IVY crew. so excited.
yeah, I am definetly going to try to get out to that show! look forward to seeing ya.
56 upcoming shows @ 24 different spots
51 upcoming shows with flyers
6 ALL AGES shows!
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