This show was weird. It was at the Roseland, where I had heard you couldnt bring in cameras, especially "professional" ones (ie anything that has a detachable lens). So I ended up getting a 'photo pass' from the really nice guys in the band Past Lives, who I had seen before, and were the opening band that night. This meant that I got to go in this little like 4 ft. section between the crowd and the stage that was roped off, and take pictures, with my 'photo pass'. Of course, the stage is like 5 ft. tall, and the bands are really far away, and the 'photo pass' only allows you to be in the special roped off VIP section (which I learned later was basically meant for the bouncers to stand in and catch crowd surfers before they reach the stage-- HOWEVER--one really athletic and insane chick managed to jump all the way from the balcony onto the stage and give Spencer Moody a hug, before the bouncers realized what she had done) for 3 songs. And you cant even use a flash. It was sterile, and boring, and awkward, because I was standing in between the band and the crowd. These kind of shows are the reason I will always love punk rock in a basement and/or dive bar the best. No contest. Well, here are the pictures, anyways.