Remember your first comedy special? You had that joke about public bathrooms and the doors on the stalls, it was kind of funnie, kind of true. a lot of people would just leave the joke, but not you, you took it to another level when you did that full commit Hong-Kong-Phooey flying force egg-drop leg chop on that imaginary stall door and flatlined your ass on stage - that's fucking funny shit man!
Your first two cd's were solid and entertaining.
What happened with the Madison Square Garden thing man? You're wearing $1,600 jeans and yelling at your fans for not believing some imaginary dude floats around in the sky. What's up man - you go on extended hypotheticals not for my entertainment so i'm sure you're just doing it to hear the sound of your own voice.
I did really like you in that movie though, Dan In real Life. Yeah, you played that turtleneck wearing kind of guy that you know is straight tool underneath that clean surface. You lost the girl in that movie, you got played. I rather enjoyed that. It was a good movie, but the fact that you played that part, straight money - thanks!
You're coming to Portland soon..playing the Rose Garden, wow you're popular. I just don't get it though, paying $100 to inflate your ego more?It's been a while, we had a good start, we shared some good laughs man. I'm listening to your latest release now, trying to see if it's still there, but it isn't - and it's not me, it's you. Dane Cook, you done fell offt!