If you havent heard the 70's/80's post punksthe Homosexuals, you really ought to. Click the link and check them out so that you dont miss them the next time they (or more specifically Bruno Wizard decides to come to town.
Holy shit Sachi - you blow my mind, your pics are so awesome!
Thanks Damian, you are da best! :)Oh yeah, also I forgot to mention a few things about the show-- it was at East End, this past Sunday, the 22nd, and Thought Patterns also played, and totally ripped. you can check out my flickr page for more pics from this show.
Fucking sick ass bass player!!! That guy was a revelation on four strings. Great pics.
COME AT ME, GAYBROS! was a great party! still mirin'!
56 upcoming shows @ 24 different spots
51 upcoming shows with flyers
6 ALL AGES shows!
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