This is my own list and has no connection to the current poll. I have disqualified bands I know have existed prior to 2008, including some of my favorites such as Here Comes A Big Black Cloud, Popitilopitilus, Mattress, and Magic Johnson, all of whom I guess I’m giving props to right now.

1. Stag Bitten
Hardcore, punk, whatever. Stag Bitten always brings it. If you’re all about competition never play after them (or even with them), because you just won’t hold up.

2. Gone to Croatoan
Mikey, the bass player and singer, didn't like it when I called their music “metal.” I believe he calls it “guerrilla grind.” I describe them as a hysteria-laden noise-grind romp.

3. Don Hellions
Guitar-free garage soul with post-punk poetics. This is somewhat out of my element so if my description is wrong please correct me. A vinyl release from Stankhouse Records is forthcoming.

4. Cull
The most polished band in Portland today, metal and otherwise. I once listened to their new epic CD release “Erosion” on repeat for two and half hours. No joke.

5. Transient
Quintessential grindcore from the remains of Massive Meat Split. Someone once said to me, “They don’t even realize how big they are.” Releasing records faster than any band I know.
Honorable mention: Street Plant
I saw them once at the Coop last summer for Arya's birthday. Its unfortunately that Portland’s younger punk scene doesn’t have more bands like this. I hear they are no more.