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There are 9 artists by the name of Ana. 1) Ana was the name Ana Johnsson went by before going international. She is most known for the Spider-Man 2 soundtrack theme "We Are". 2) Cuban-born singer Ana Rodriguez was a late 80s teen pop singer who had minimal chart success with songs like "Shy Boys" and "Got To Tell Me Something". She currently records Latin pop music under the moniker Mia. 3) ANA (アナ) is also a Japanese band from the Fukuoka Prefecture signed with the label compactsounds. Read more on …read full bio
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displaying only the last 75 shows

  • There's no time like right now to start dreaming about the next…more
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  • The Umbrae Noctis Festival…more
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  • Nasalrod & Gaytheist reunite! Music @8 sharp so come EARLY!
    • polaris hall
    • Saturday, 9/28/2024 21+
    • 7:30 doors, 8 music | $15 adv
    • 54
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    • rumpus room
    • Friday, 9/20/2024 21+
    • Video Shoot at 7:30 pm Music at | $Free Show
    • 3
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    • the bomber
    • Sunday, 8/18/2024 AA
    • doors at 3pm show at 4pm | $10.00 suggested donation
    • 3
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    • dante's
    • Saturday, 12/9/2023 21+
    • 8pm Doors, 8:30pm Music | $22 adv, $20 at the door
    • 1
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    • show bar
    • Thursday, 11/30/2023 21+
    • 8 pm | $12 ADV / 15 DOS
    • 5
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  • Entry comes with a FREE BEER! Anarcho Pro Wrestling will have (5)…more
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    • elsinore theatre
    • Saturday, 7/15/2023 AA
    • 7:30 | $35-$55. $5 more on day of show.
    • 5
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  • Bull Market is on tour from Billings, Montana, supported by Used…more
    • 2
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  • This is the after party for the Daft Punk x LCD Soundsystem…more
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  • Presale reccomended Available at
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    Jul 16 2008 7
    posted in: blog

    MTV (EmptyTV) nods a sulute to Portland

    Empty-TV gives it up for Portland with a few small vignettes on the incredible PDX scene.. They focus on the standard hip bands like StarFucker, YACHT, Southern Belle and the oh-so obvious Thermals but also reach out to the always awesome band Eat Skull.. This is not exactly a good representative cross-section on the many genres and sub-scenes that Portland has to offer but it's still kind of cool.. : Portland Show Guide Next time how about something including Autistic Youth, Red Dons, Estranged and the rest of the punker scene?

    Check out the full article

    Arya Imig
    Aug 22 2008 3
    posted in: info

    Final Edition of The Newspapers

    One year and three days after releasing their debut E.P. and two months after releasing their second, NEWSPAPERS have announced that their last show will be this Saturday at Neverland Ranch on SE 49 and Powell.. I first met Billy Webb on March 10, 2007 at the Pink House in S.E. --- a show I had set up with Narwhal vs.. Narwhal, Hurah Hurah and Eskimo & Sons.. It was the day everybody met everybody.

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    Aug 29 2008 2
    posted in: info

    Summerfector : Punk as Fuck

    Today kicks off the Defectors Summerfector madness.. This is a series of shows happening over the next four days at locations all over town, mostly all-ages.. What really makes this a bad ass fest is that there are two generator shows happening.. One at Burnside Skate park on Sunday and another one at Overlook Park in NE complete with all the legal premits for both noise and booze.

    Check out the full article

    Sep 08 2008 5
    posted in: info

    MFNW : An Intimate Evening with Mirah

    The woman makes me swoon -laugh, cry, love, all of it, in all the best ways.. Mirah melts me.. As much as i love her and as much as my life has been based around going to shows, i've never managed to see her.. It's not that i haven’t been trying, believe me, i have.

    Check out the full article

    Nov 13 2008 3
    posted in: photoblog

    The King Khan & BBQ Show

    The King Khan and BBQ Show are a traveling duo, originally from Canada, who used to be in the band the Spaceshits together.. Their show is full of crazy energy-- King Khan uses his own kind charm to rile up the crowd-- on stage at Dantes he reached into his panties and grabbed a handfull of what looked like cauliflower, throwing it into the audience-- awesome!. King Khan's charismatic stage presence combined with their jangling rock and roll guitars and screaming vocals turned the crowd into a sweaty pit of screaming ladies in no time flat.

    Check out the full article

    Jan 24 2009 4
    posted in: comment

    'A Paper Cup Band' Throws Down a Mean Hoedown

    A Paper Cup Band 01/23 @ Random House PartyThis Minneapolis trio really knows how to kill the party and alienate the sorrostitutes that have never expanded their musical vocabulary beyond Cyndi Lauper and Madonna; good.. However, if you're cool enough to wait the three minute set up time with out making stinkface - you're in money because A Paper Cup Band bring a whole other level of party.. These acoustic anarcho-jug band stylee (you describe them?) guys were tossed last minute into a fashion dance party and pulled it off fluid.. The whole house was stompin' and shakin, booties were bouncing all over the living room.

    Check out the full article

    Mar 10 2009 4
    posted in: photoblog

    Murder City Devils @ Roseland

    This show was weird.. It was at the Roseland, where I had heard you couldnt bring in cameras, especially "professional" ones (ie anything that has a detachable lens). So I ended up getting a 'photo pass' from the really nice guys in the band Past Lives, who I had seen before, and were the opening band that night.. This meant that I got to go in this little like 4 ft. section between the crowd and the stage that was roped off, and take pictures, with my 'photo pass'.. Of course, the stage is like 5 ft. tall, and the bands are really far away, and the 'photo pass' only allows you to be in the special roped off VIP section (which I learned later was basically meant for the bouncers to stand in and catch crowd surfers before they reach the stage-- HOWEVER--one really athletic and insane chick managed to jump all the way from the balcony onto the stage and give Spencer Moody a hug, before the bouncers realized what she had done) for 3 songs.

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    Apr 12 2009 6
    posted in: comment

    Bear Feet : Portland's Best New Band

    Playing their first public show, these six kids packed the Coop with a horde of friends and pretty much shook the place to the ground.. Bear Feet brings fresh flavor - straight from the 30's.. These teenagers offer a sort of Ragtime Americana Stand-Up Bass, delicious Jug-band jazz that's thick brewed in 80 year old styles.Lovely twin vocals from the lovely Taylor and Elena run reminiscent of all that's good from the Ditty Bops.. With two members coming from the defunct thrash band Tibetan Beef Garden, the male half of the string section shows amazing diversity in their talent.

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    Apr 12 2009 1
    posted in: hindsite

    Hindsite: A Show Journal and Scene Report

    Jesse Michaels, Mike Park, Dateless, The Damage Done, Destroy Nate AllenMarch 17th @ GRNSTR House in SeattleWe found out a few days before this amazing show that we had some family from Bolivia flying through Seattle.. Tessa suggested I try to find a show.. The Damage Done were kind enough to let us open last minute.. The GRNSTR House was small and pretty well packed before things got started.

    Check out the full article

    Jun 26 2009 0
    posted in: info

    NoFest Schedule - June 27 in St. Johns

    June 27, 2009 - ALL DAY!!! in St.. John's, North PortlandFREE ADMISSIONST JOHNS BOOKSELLERSEarly Bird Children's Show hosted by Kelly.10-11am: Rookie Rock by Sound Roots.11-Noon: Jelly Jar Productions3-4pm: The Neighborhood DiariesTOWN SQUAREEclectic Main Stage, broadcast live on KBOO 90.7 fm.Noon-1.. Hemispheric Chamber Orchestra plays "In C" by Terry Riley.2-3.. Jamie Potts Catwalk3-3:30.

    Check out the full article

    Bad Times
    Aug 10 2009 1
    posted in: video

    Meth Teeth @ The Fancy Fox Downs

    Video of Meth Teeth playing @ Fancy Fox Downs

    Check out the full article

    Aug 26 2009 1
    posted in: comment

    House Show Rules #2: Bringing Common Sense

    I had intended to post this as a comment following the "House Show Rules #1: No Jerks!" blogpost, but then it sorta became an essay.. Boom Boom Kid @ the Sea Shanty, 2007.. As someone who's thrown a few hundred shows in houses over the last decade and a half, I gotta say that house-show hosts must be aware of the risks of turning their home into a public space, such as cops, assholes, theft, electrical fire, damage to walls and floors, giant messes to clean up, and even violence.. The solution is not so simple as complaining about jerks on a corner of the internet (such as here!) which will go unchecked by likely every such jerk who needs to check their attitude.The solution surely begins with considering what risks are associated with each show before you even confirm it.

    Check out the full article

    Sep 05 2009 0
    posted in: facebook

    New Facebook Fan Page - Sign up!

    FB.init("3746f61c7a4ac549c211bcbe73a5adb6"); : Portland Show Guide on Facebook Hey Everybody!. We're finally getting grips on the Facebook action with a proper FAN Page.We have a facebook page already with a good number of friends.. If you're one of those people - please friend the new FANable page.Do you guys have any suggestion on what you would like to see from us in the Social realm?. Please feel free to post suggestions.

    Check out the full article

    Notorious Kelly
    Nov 23 2009 27
    posted in: open-mic

    The Ultimate Open Mic List for Oregon and Vancouver

    You've got a song, a poem, a joke, or something - we wanna HEAR it!A skit, an act, part of a movie or play that you like - we wanna SEE it!No matter what you've got, there's a place on this list to PERFORM it!I promise we will applaud no matter what.. May lead to bigger things: paying gigs,collaborations with other artists - who KNOWS?!?Maybe you're not a performer, but just want to witness some of the most creative,intelligent and beautiful people on the planet.Well, without an audience, it's just rehearsal.. It isn't a show without YOU!Come be a part of it!Open mics and jams come and go regularly, so it's a good idea to call and confirmdetails before attending one for the first time.. Please let me know of any additions/deletions/corrections.Now - COME SHOW US YOUR STUFF!(Open Mic tips at the end)ALL AGES Open Mics in Portland 21+ OPEN MICS ARE BELOW THESE as well as OutsidePortland and Non-weekly listingsMONDAYTwin Paradox coffee house 8609 SE 17th Ave Sellwood (503) 232-8202 sign up 6:45pm Show 7 pm Intimate neighborhood gathering.

    Check out the full article

    Jun 14 2010 4
    posted in: info

    PDX POP NOW! Festival Line-up

    PDX Pop Now! -- Portland's premier local music advocacy organization - has announced the line up for the 7th annual festival.. PDX Pop Now! will be returning to Rotture (320 SE 2nd Ave) on July 30th, 31st and August 1st for the free, all-ages festival that showcases Portland's diverse musical talent.. This year's festival will feature indoor and outdoor sets from: Aan, AgesAndAges, AndAndAnd, Asss, Atriarch, AU, Autistic Youth, Ben Darwish, Billygoat, Blue Cranes, Blue Horns, Brainstorm, Cloudy October, Da'Rel Junior, Defect Defect, Eternal Tapestry, Fear No Music, Get Hustle, Grey Anne, Guantanamo Baywatch, Hockey, Hosannas, I Can Lick Any Son of A Bitch In The House, Jackie-O Motherfucker, Joey Casio, Joggers, Krebsic Orkestar, Kung Pao Chickens, Kusikia, Lewi Longmire, Luck One, Michael The Blind, Operative, Parenthetical Girls, Please Step Out of The Vehicle, Reporter, Rollerball, Shoeshine Blue, Skeletron, Soup Purse, SubArachnoid Space, Tiny Knives, Tu Fawning, The Tumblers, Typhoon, Wampire, Why I Must Be Careful, and Ylang Ylang.

    Check out the full article

    Bad Times
    Jun 15 2010 3
    posted in: video

    Swampbuck @ The Pink Room

    I didn't make this, but I like it.Swampbuck Live at the Pink RoomSwampbuck | MySpace Music Videos

    Check out the full article

    Jul 22 2010 7
    posted in: faq

    FAQ/WTF?! : How to Get Your Band Listed and Post a New Bio

    Most of the bands listed correctly will have Bios attached to them but there are a number of bands out there that don't yet have these posted.. If you're looking to get a bio posted for your band, there's a trick to it:All of the Bios come from Last.Fm.The way works is through a thing called "scrobbling".Scrobbling works by installing a program on your computer that catalogs and tracks what you listen to - all this info goes back to the database.. It's really neat and gives you fun facts and stats on your listening habbits.The way a band begins to exist in the system is by somebody listening to it.As far as i know, there's no way to manually enter in a new band to the system : it HAS to be be scrobbled meaning you have to listen to it.Even if your band doesn't have any music recorded, Don't worry - it's not a problem, just get clever:Just throw on an ABBA tune (you know you have it) after renaming the band "ABBA" to whatever your band name is ("Tijuana Poop Smugglers" ?).Listen to the song and make sure it's 'scrobbled'.This will get the band name into the system. - note that it won't show up immediately, it may take a few hours or more.. You will then be able to add and edit the Bio and it will show up on pc-pdx anytime anybody hovers on it or checks out your band page.

    Check out the full article

    Sep 02 2010 8
    posted in: info

    The Preblon Kids offer up bootlegs of Portlands best.

    Some Examples of what the house of preblon kids have been doing, documenting local house shows- here's a bunch of[get in touch to book some shows, or to get a copy of yr band playing from us- at this point we really might have it]Terraform @ Dekum Manor 9/1/10Stag Bitten @ Dekum Manor 9/1/10Guantanamo Bay Watch @ Dekum Manor 9/1/10Tiny Knives @ The House of Preblon 6/5/10Fuck Mountain @ The House of Preblon 6/5/10Cat Stalks Bird @ The House of Preblon 6/5/10Dinner & The Main Course @ The House of Preblon 6/5/10Grrrl Friend @ The House of Preblon 6/5/10

    Check out the full article

    Bad Times
    Oct 30 2010 20
    posted in: video

    Stag Bitten @ House of Preblon

    In the first video they cover Crass and James Brown.. I don't know the last song.. In the second video they cover Nirvana, Devo, and do some of their own songs.

    Check out the full article

    Nov 11 2010 0
    posted in: info

    Stag Bitten (as Negro Nation) Cover Set mp3s/video

    Stag Bitten performed on 10/29/10 at the House of Preblon Halloween show as "Negro Nation." Their downloadable mp3 set was as follows: 1.Crass - Walls (Fun In The Oven) 2.Crass - Shaved Women 3.James Brown - It's A Man's Man's Man's World 4.Gina X Performance - Be A Boy 5.Nirvana - Territorial Pissings 6.Devo - Gates of Steel 7.Stag Bitten - WWIII 8.Stag Bitten - Rainbow Co.. Inc....mp3 and video at

    Check out the full article

    May 02 2011 0
    posted in: info

    Laura Stevenson and the Cans download : live on UP Underground

    So, this is not Ben but rather pc-pdx, the entity.I wanted to share my love of Laura so consider this hijacked.. When she first played the coop on day one of Resistance Fest Northwest she was there as extension of Bomb The Music Industy! (naturally) and i had never heard her own stuff.. She basically kicked ass and owned it, hard.. I couldn't wait to see her again but i've managed to be out of town for both times she's been through in the two years since the Coop days.Here's where Ben comes into the picture because he has a neat radio show where he gets to bring in rad people like Laura, interview them and have them play a studio session.Ben has packaged up a nice zip of the show which we are hosting (mediefire is evil), grab it!download Laura Stevens and The cans live on KDUPVisit Ben and keep tabs on his projects at

    Check out the full article

    Bad Times
    May 06 2011 27
    posted in: video

    Bad Times' Best New Bands of 2011

    The Willamette Week recently put out their annual “Best New Bands” issue, which featured a hodgepodge of Portland’s most power-washed music.. As a friend of mine said, seeing that list makes me feel like I don’t care about local music.. Perhaps we truly are “underground.” Below is my obligatory response list, accumulated from attending numerous house shows and parties.. I have to say Drunk Dad gets props for having one of the rowdiest followings in town, while Sexhair is probably the purist Portland punk band since Moral Panic broke up.This year started out rather rough so something needs to be said for the houses that hosted shows.

    Check out the full article

    May 17 2011 5
    posted in: info

    PDX Pop Now! Unveils Compilation Track List And Release Show

    Portland music fans will be pleased to find out that PDX Pop Now! has announced the track listing for the eighth installment of their much heralded compilation.. The 2-disc set is stacked with 41 tracks from some of Portland OR's finest musicians.. O Bruxo, Blue Skies For Black Hearts, Swahili, Lost Lander, along with DJ papi chulo and DJ GIGANTE, have been tapped to perform and provide music between bands at this year's CD Release Benefit which will be held June 2nd at Holocene (1001 SE Morrison St.). The cover is $10 and that will include a copy of the 2011 PDX Pop Now!. Compilation CD.

    Check out the full article

    Jun 06 2011 1
    posted in: info

    Rigsketball 2011 - A Portland Band Basketball Tournament

    Rigsketball 2011 - A Portland Band Basketball TournamentAnd And And challenges any Portland band to compete in our summer basketball tournament!The tourney is going to take place anytime between June 7th and June 19th!The teams will be the top three players from each band v.s. the aforementioned of other bands partaking in said tournament.TUESDAY THE 7THBlast Majesty v.s.. Ugly Flowers 1:00 Tues The 7th at 4851 NE Alberta ct.Youthbitch v.s.. Hello Electric 2:30 Tues The 7th Location TBALaura Gibson v.s.. Charts 4:00 Tues The 7th at 2nd and SE water across from Bunk Bar in that parking lot.Otis Heat v.s.

    Check out the full article

    Jun 27 2011 5
    posted in: warning

    We Fucked-Up and Deleted ALL The Flyers...

    Yep, it's true!All 19,637 flyers went kaputznik and made a super bye-bye action with no recycle bin love of any kind.I am uber careful and paranoid of these things and still manage to pull an epic maneuver like this about once a year. -Last year whilst working on a client site, i deleted the entire four-year calendar set for *two* site for the Solano County Library.. YEAH BUDDY.Yep, So - where we're at now is that i quickly dropped $43 to get some magic (Slingblade)"Should'nta done that boy" software so as i can try to get back the deleted info off the hard drive. -IT was a half win.. I think we got back most of the files but there seems to be an issue where the files that came back did so with different data or whatever : The file names no longer match the actual show info they should contain so SHIT IS BANANANANAS all over the site right now.I have since found a version of the flyers folder in our old svn repo from about 6-weeks ago when we made some reconfiguration changes.. I, in all my awesomeness, didn't get these two flyer related folders back into svn sync (because we're virtualizing the directories to share the data with other sites, NERD stuff..) and totally blew the gun in the face.It's okay though.

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    Dec 31 2011 2
    posted in: info

    TOP-10 SHOWS @ THE KNOW in 2011

    On the eve of a new year, I thought it would be fun to get in on the “year-in-review” things that many people/publications/media-outlets do.. PC-PDX has always been a huge supporter of our endeavors at The Know, and what better forum to share this retrospective look at 2011.In chronological order:04.01 - FROM ASHES RISE / NUX VOMICA / TRAUMAThis line-up was so ridiculous that some people on message boards had concluded that our listing was an “April fools” wasn’t, and the show went down with hundreds of people cramming into our humble venue-area to catch a glimpse of Portland’s finest d-beat crushers. 06.10 - BASEMENT ANIMAL / VILE GASH (OH) / NUKKEHAMMER (OH) / SOCIETY NURSE (WA)Rarely are we able to accommodate a slew of touring-acts that can hold their own with minimal local-support.. But when you’ve got the nastiest sonic-pummeling from crew of Ohioans, and a venerable/touted neighbor from the north, support becomes less of an issue!. Not to mention what would be the final assault from Portland’s very own grind-punks, Basement Animal.06.18 - SLOWMOTIONS (JP) / CRAZY SPIRIT (NY) / ORIGIN OF M (JP) June was the month of unbelievable touring acts playing our stage.

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    Dec 17 2012 1
    posted in: info

    SAVE BACKSPACE! throw down for a bad ass ALL-AGES venue.

    we jacked the following from and suggest that you go there and make a donation or, if you personally can't, tell a friend who can afford to make a donation and save one of portlands last ALL-AGES music venues and all-around baddass space!Backspace is in Trouble.Regardless of the role Backspace plays, and that Backspace would like to continue to give to the people of Portland, we have basically been told by the landlord that if we can't come up with $10,000, by the 1st of January, that we will be thrown out.. This means we would no longer be able to play a pivotal role in being a community space for the people of Portland.. We wouldn't be able to house benefits for local non-profits.. We wouldn't be able to give bands an all-ages venue to play in.

    Check out the full article

    useless facts

    57 upcoming shows @ 21 different spots

    51 upcoming shows with flyers

    4 ALL AGES shows!

    Find shows, photos, blogs
    Jake Prog, fusion, adventurous storytelling @bunkbar 3/28! Julie and the East, Stinkbug, National Diet
    -3/3/2025 8:28:31 PM
    Graciella Hesse @snug, the [Mar 12, 2025] » Hope to see everyone there! Whoever you are! Whatever you are! However you are! Whenever you are! Whyever you are!
    -2/23/2025 6:24:21 PM
    Small Million @tender loving empire hq [Feb 28, 2025] » TLE is excited to welcome Small Million and Isabeau Waia'u Walker to our warehouse with liquid light projections from Coast Range Lights! ¤ Doors at 7pm ¤ 7pm- DJ DaCosta ¤ 8pm- Isabeau Waia’u Walker ¤ 8:30-9pm - DJ ¤ 9pm- Small Million ¤ 10pm- DJ ¤ 11pm - Close ¤…read the full comment
    -2/20/2025 10:06:16 PM
    Heather @saturn house [Feb 08, 2025] » All proceeds benefit MATW project who are doing amazing work in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and beyond ❤️
    -2/7/2025 10:30:35 PM
    QuiveringLip @turn turn turn [Feb 09, 2025] » Noisy all ages Sunday matinee! What more could you want?
    -2/4/2025 9:36:05 PM
    GN Meals on Wheels benefit show FRI 2/21 Hawthorne Hideway, all door proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels People!
    -2/4/2025 9:01:28 PM
    Holly Rohr Please join us for an evening of live music. It's going to be a great show!
    -1/24/2025 12:23:49 PM
    Jake Avant/prog/experimental/goth at AZOTH on 2/1! Join us for CONVEXITY!
    -1/17/2025 10:29:36 AM
    Bent Spokes Posse @cascade bar & grill [Feb 01, 2025] » This will be a fun night full of epic rock music and dancing. Join us!
    -1/11/2025 4:44:48 PM
    Jake Prog/Experimental rockers Rainbow Face release their second album 12/6 @ High Water Mark!
    -11/13/2024 11:04:23 AM
    Jake McLoud @firkin tavern, the [Nov 29, 2024] » Sad Times Productions Presents: Friends'Giving Fest 2024 - A benefit for the Piegan Institute ¤ ¤ 3 nights! 11 bands! Local Indigenous vendors! Raffle prizes! ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤…read the full comment
    -11/12/2024 10:53:49 AM
    Derek @six below midnight, the [Nov 08, 2024] » Shadowgraphs - Equally inspired by classic psychedelic pop and modern indie rock, the latest album finds the band branching out and incorporating shoegaze, post-punk, and dream pop influences into their sound. The resulting album calls to mind the effervescent melodies of labelmates Sugar Candy Mountain, the…read the full comment
    -10/28/2024 7:44:02 PM
    Derek @six below midnight, the [Nov 07, 2024] » Los Bunyans - The Bunyans are a rock band from Mexico City formed in 2015 with a unique sound that incorporates a wide variety of genres including but not limited to garage rock, punk rock, surf rock, country, blues, noise rock and heavy metal. They’ve shared the stage with bands such as Oh Sees, Night Beats, and…read the full comment
    -10/28/2024 7:40:18 PM
    Brian @alberta rose theater [Nov 07, 2024] » We are proud to share with you a collaboration of two of Portland’s hardest working bands The Colin Trio and Ben Rice and the PDX Hustle. These bands are joining forces in celebration of the newest album release Didn’t Mean To from the Colin Trio. Get ready for an evening of genre bending music from soul, jazz,…read the full comment
    -10/22/2024 6:42:06 PM
    Mountain Meadows Massacre @snug, the [Oct 19, 2024] » First show back for our drummer and first show in town in a long time ! ¤
    -10/17/2024 7:22:30 PM
    NASALROD + GAYTHEIST + MACHINE COUNTRY on SATURDAY SEPT 28TH at POLARIS HALL! @polaris hall [Sep 28, 2024] » NASALROD is thrilled to finally reunite with the mighty GAYTHEIST here in PDX! We'll be playing at the splendid POLARIS HALL (a great room with an excellent sound system)...and it'll be the B-DAY show for Gaytheist's own Tim Hoff!! PLUS: amazing newcomers MACHINE COUNTRY will be tearing it up right at 8pm SHARP,…read the full comment
    -9/8/2024 12:24:51 PM
    Gretta @fixin’ to, the [Sep 01, 2024] » So pumped to play our first ever show!! ¤ ¤
    -8/11/2024 9:26:26 PM
    NASALROD + SWAMPBUCK on SUNDAY JULY 28th at RONTOMS (FREE & OUTDOORS)! @rontoms [Jul 28, 2024] » Nasalrod is excited to finally return to the RONTOMS outdoor patio! PLUS, our buds SWAMPBUCK (feat. members of The Fur Coats & ROOM) will be making a super RARE appearance!! FREE, OUTDOORS, & with a GREAT sound system!!! Music at 8:30PM.
    -7/20/2024 12:47:07 PM
    Yury Gödl355 @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » OMG, the ultimate Speed-rock fuckband! ¤ In a sweltering hot Dante's inferno!
    -7/13/2024 6:59:13 PM
    DAIKAIJU + NASALROD + RAILING ON FRIDAY JULY 12TH AT DANTES! @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » THIS FRIDAY NIGHT! NASALROD & RAILING will support the EPIC kaiju/monster-themed band DAIKAIJU!! There will be FIRE...and ya don't wanna miss it, as this is gonna seriously RULE. Advance tix are strongly advised!!!
    -7/11/2024 12:44:46 PM
    pc-pdx Thanks @Z - I'll look into that and fix it
    -7/9/2024 12:55:22 PM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 28, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:27:45 AM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 26, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:15:34 AM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 25, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:10:04 AM
    Lisa @starday tavern [Jul 04, 2024] » Early show! starts at 5 pm sharp!! Yank yer doodle dandies down there!
    -7/2/2024 9:02:16 AM
    bastardsalt [Free Show Alert] ¤ ¤ Railside Pub 8pm ¤ ¤ Bastard Salt ¤ Cactus Man ¤ Coy Pussy ¤ ¤ Punk, Femme, ripping & rockin’! ¤ ¤ If you don’t have plans! C’mon out!
    -6/29/2024 4:18:23 PM
    Z The mobile site usually only shows half the shows!
    -6/28/2024 7:06:00 PM
    Lisa Lee @misdemeanor meadows [Jun 27, 2024] » Cancer Benefit show for Corrina, Jeff TRuhn's lady. Please come, and help out.
    -6/20/2024 4:48:48 PM
    DAIKAIJU + NASALROD + RAILING on FRIDAY JULY 12th at DANTES! @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » NASALROD & RAILING will soon support the EPIC kaiju/monster-themed band DAIKAIJU! FRIDAY JULY 12th at DANTE'S...this is gonna seriously rule!! Advance tix are advised!!!
    -6/20/2024 12:20:02 PM
    jenn's sushi dayz. Redroom, Portland, feat Human ¢-apede on surround sound. Spicy like red meat chicken. 5 Pm.
    -6/4/2024 11:00:20 PM
    Guinevere Q @starday tavern [Jul 30, 2024] » Electronic space rock duo SUNQ performs an original sci-fi musical story about astronauts, love, and resistance. Free show starts at 7pm SHARP! Stick around after the performance for Party Portal Shaqtime 10pm - Midnight!
    -6/3/2024 2:40:47 PM
    Jake @azoth [May 31, 2024] » Microtonal rock, prog, and post-punk tonight at Azoth! The Mercury Tree, Rainbow Face, and Artifacts of Fiction tear it up
    -5/31/2024 10:18:46 AM
    Twobuck40 What's the deal with Speeds Autobody?
    -5/18/2024 8:57:27 AM
    Jake @turn turn turn [May 18, 2024] » Big prog show this Saturday at Turn Turn Turn with Moon Letters all the way from Seattle!
    -5/13/2024 9:35:35 AM
    Cranefist Ride or die slow rollerz // take the lane ¤ ¤ ¤ Let's gig!!! ¤ @cranefistridersclub
    -5/10/2024 5:26:59 AM
    Domersi We sure want to see more of his music in our State of Arkansas.
    -5/5/2024 4:12:39 PM
    lesamonster I was told to "ask a punk" about the @dollarsignstheband show on June 18th. If you see something, say something. :)
    -4/30/2024 9:54:57 AM
    Andrew @misdemeanor meadows [May 23, 2024] »
    -4/27/2024 10:58:27 AM
    NASALROD (Album Release!) + DIVERS + THE MISTONS - SAT MAY 4TH! @polaris hall [May 04, 2024] » Nasalrod is verrry excited to play w/DIVERS & THE MISTONS for our ALBUM RELEASE show at Polaris Hall on SAT, MAY the 4th!! It'll be a Polaris DEBUT for all three bands!!! See you there. -Nasalrod
    -4/19/2024 10:58:59 AM
    Valusint @revolution hall [Apr 11, 2024] » Portland-based composer/musician Alicia Jo Rabins joins sonic forces with 130 singers from the award-winning Camas High School Choir, a trio of top-tier rock musicians, and the vaunted Third Angle New Music string trio for the dynamic world premiere of I Was A Desert: Songs of the Matriarchs. ¤ ¤ I…read the full comment
    -4/6/2024 2:08:29 PM
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