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Playing their first public show, these six kids packed the Coop with a horde of friends and pretty much shook the place to the ground.. Bear Feet brings fresh flavor - straight from the 30's.. These teenagers offer a sort of Ragtime Americana Stand-Up Bass, delicious Jug-band jazz that's thick brewed in 80 year old styles.Lovely twin vocals from the lovely Taylor and Elena run reminiscent of all that's good from the Ditty Bops.. With two members coming from the defunct thrash band Tibetan Beef Garden, the male half of the string section shows amazing diversity in their talent.
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This is my own list and has no connection to the current poll.. I have disqualified bands I know have existed prior to 2008, including some of my favorites such as Here Comes A Big Black Cloud, Popitilopitilus, Mattress, and Magic Johnson, all of whom I guess I’m giving props to right now.1.. Stag BittenHardcore, punk, whatever.. Stag Bitten always brings it.
This is my annual obligatory response to the Willamette Week’s Best New Bands feature.. These are the best new-to-me bands I’ve seen since last May.. I've tried to exclude bands formed before 2008.. I’m sure you have your own lists, so feel free to post them below!1.
The Willamette Week recently put out their annual “Best New Bands” issue, which featured a hodgepodge of Portland’s most power-washed music.. As a friend of mine said, seeing that list makes me feel like I don’t care about local music.. Perhaps we truly are “underground.” Below is my obligatory response list, accumulated from attending numerous house shows and parties.. I have to say Drunk Dad gets props for having one of the rowdiest followings in town, while Sexhair is probably the purist Portland punk band since Moral Panic broke up.This year started out rather rough so something needs to be said for the houses that hosted shows.
61 upcoming shows @ 23 different spots
55 upcoming shows with flyers
3 ALL AGES shows!
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