21+ | 9pm | $4 | + My-Guide
ROTTIES Album Release Show with The Rats (NYC). Prepare for a night of high volume Rock'n'Roll! Rotties - In your face heavy Rock'nRoll. Party Punk that just won't quit! The Portland foursome releases their highly anticipated second album tonight. This will also be the last show for Rotties bassist Ryan Mullen, and a chance to celebrate his time with the band. www.RottiesMusic.com https://youtu.be/LPCPNd19UD4 The Rats (NYC) - THE RATS a.k.a. The Rats of New York… formed in Mole City under the NYC subway trains. The Rats emerged onto the streets in 2005. They are an unstoppable cult of sonic banditos that have been spreading garage punk across the USA and Europe ever since. http://theratsnyc.com/ https://youtu.be/y8jBY56DiiE
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the alleyway 2415 Ne Alberta St. Portland, OR
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