AA | 9pm | $FREE | + My-Guide
MOVED TO 2628 SE 47th between Ivon & Clinton
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43rd and se clinton 4312 Se Clinton Portland, OR
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"heres their myspace, or whatever" what the fuck? are you seriously trying to sound apathetic over the internet? fuck you your bands sucks
think what you think and that's cool,but in fairness, the band-bios come from last.fm and therefore wasn't necessarily filled out by anybody here or at the house cool enough to host the show or by any of the bands themselves.
learn to respect people's homes and surrounding neighborhoods. don't get so out of control that you have to get physically kicked out of the house. practice respect. and recycle your own damn beer cans and champagne bottles.
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Simply hover over any band you're interested in and we'll pull up a bio and some links for you. Hide this