21+ | 8p | $5 | + My-Guide
READ: The Know will be closed (for an hour) prior to allowing entry to this show starting at 8pm. The cover-charge will be taken at our entrance (NOT in the venue-area as is usually the case)...i.e. if you do not pay/receive a hand-stamp you will not be allowed into ANY part of the bar. Additionally, we'll be running a "counter" at the door and once we've reached a specified capacity will have to close entry to the show (and revert to a one-in/one-out scenario). Sucks...but there is a breaking point to how many people we can realistically (never-mind legally) hold. Long and short is that we want to maximize our ability to get as many people who want to see this show into our venue/bar (so we won't have heads in there taking up space who are just 'hanging out'). Ideally everyone who wants to be at this show WILL be! However, if you're dead-set on seeing this event you SHOULD err on the side of caution and SHOW UP EARLY to guarantee you get in! thanks for understanding...we're looking forward to hostin
Link your flickr photoset or, if you don't have a (free) flickr account get in contact with us and we'll work with you to get it posted.
the know 3728 NE Sandy Blvd Portland Portland, OR
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