21+ | 9pm | $6 | + My-Guide
The CRY! is #1 indie Power Pop band in the Portland area! Their new album "The CRY!" is getting worldwide praise and sales. This is a FUN FUN FUN band to watch and party with. The Modern Golem's sound is described as a ragtime Alternarock, with funk and hard rock elements. They pull influences from many facets of music, which is to blame for their diverse set of songs. The Morels (Port Townsend, WA) officially started in Portland during the summer of 2010, but we have all been playin music together since gradeschool. Members moved to the Seattle area and recorded and EP at Electro Kitty Studios and now we're just support that work by doing some gigs.
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plan b 1305 Se 8Th Ave Portland, OR
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