21+ | 900pm | $10 advanced or $15 at the door | + My-Guide
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mt tabor 4811se hawthorne portland , OR
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MC Baron Von Goolo of Fright Town fame Performances by Tiger Lilies, Neverland Aerial and Animalia DJs NoN and Jsin Photography by Christelle Krampus creature costume by Shashonna Knecht & Sean Donahue Venue Decor by The Aruniverse Vendors, Costume Contest and many surprises are in store for you this year! Long before the birth of Jesus Christ it was traditional to dress up during the winter solstice season, using masks and drama to play old man winter and the horned goat-man. St. Nicholas Day is held on December 6th, traditionally. On the eve of this holiday, Krampusnacht (Night of Krampus), is held in Austria, Switzerland, Croatia, Germany and other areas throughout Europe celebrating an ancient ritual known as the Krampus Run. During this winter festivity, sin-loving men and women bear torches and dress up as witches, wild beasts and devils, roaming the streets, fueled by alcohol These demons serve to spook the public at large. Won't you join us and celebrate being on the naughty list.... http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/292856
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