AA | 8pm | $10 | + My-Guide
http://yucontemporary.org/curtis-roads/ Curtis Roads will present a stereo composition with manual upmixing, using techniques of spatialization and diffusion. The audio playback system, eight channels (six loudspeakers and two sub-woofers), will be set up in a surround circle to emphasize the sculptural dimensions of volume. Roads studied computer music composition at California Institute of the Arts and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and received a Doctorate from the Université Paris 8. He was Editor and Associate Editor of Computer Music Journal (MIT Press) from 1978 to 2000, and cofounded the International Computer Music Association (ICMA) in 1979. Roads was a researcher in computer music at MIT (1980–1986), and he taught electronic music composition at Harvard University and sound synthesis techniques at the University of Naples. He was appointed Director of Pedagogy at Les Ateliers UPIC (now CCMIX, Center for the Composition of Music Iannis Xenakis) and Lecturer in the Music Departm
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