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_undisclosed - respect it undisclosed location portland, OR
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If it's undisclosed, why list it? That's like saying "Hey, look at this show you can't go to."
HeyHey, I am the one who created the "_undisclosed - Respect It" location listing and it is in fact the reverse of 'too-cool-for-you' listings. It is to get word out that your favorite bands are playing at a place that probs doesn't want a bunch of shitty drunk showing up for a party, rather than coolies interested in the bands. It gives people a chance to see a posting they might miss unless they're always on the Facebag or whatevs.. then they can do the (likely minimal) effort to find where, rather than just having drunk dickbags showing up and blowing it for everybody. I'll probs write a more descript blog post soon to push the discussion. I assure you the concept is to take back power from the dicks, put info back in the hands of the cool-kids whilst protecting the people and houses that enable us to do the shit we love to do: see the bands and hang out without fartknowcers that ruin everything!
i totally hear ya about d-bags showin' up and talking during quiet performances and//or jus partyin out back of spots n stuff, i am just having real trouble with the lack of work interesting musicians are putting towards doing things other than facebook. such as avoiding it completely. possibly sayin' check 4 real flyers at 'such n such' or in a general zone..? flyers are tha coolest! handbills are next level cool still especially when handed to a cool lookin' stranger,, and it remains and hangs out just like we do. radio concert calendars use'd to be more with-it in lotsa places. i'm ALL-IN for working towards a new/revisited togetherness that is truly OURS !!!
i feel tha togetherness in this discussion cuz its real stuff and that rulz. not giving an address is punk and facebook is the opposite of punk is what i'm getting at i think
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