Balls! There's no Bio, pictures, tags… we can't even find anything to suggest other than that you try your search again..?
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Yes, naked shows!. There are AMAZING shows coming up that are completely naked, nude.. By "naked" I am referring to the fact that these shows DO NOT have a home right now or need to be moved.. They are venueless/houseless, which is a goddamned shame.What shows, you ask?
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So, this is not Ben but rather pc-pdx, the entity.I wanted to share my love of Laura so consider this hijacked.. When she first played the coop on day one of Resistance Fest Northwest she was there as extension of Bomb The Music Industy! (naturally) and i had never heard her own stuff.. She basically kicked ass and owned it, hard.. I couldn't wait to see her again but i've managed to be out of town for both times she's been through in the two years since the Coop days.Here's where Ben comes into the picture because he has a neat radio show where he gets to bring in rad people like Laura, interview them and have them play a studio session.Ben has packaged up a nice zip of the show which we are hosting (mediefire is evil), grab it!download Laura Stevens and The cans live on KDUPVisit Ben and keep tabs on his projects at
58 upcoming shows @ 19 different spots
51 upcoming shows with flyers
4 ALL AGES shows!
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