Arya Imig
Aug 22 2008
posted in: info
One year and three days after releasing their debut E.P. and two months after releasing their second, NEWSPAPERS have announced that their last show will be this Saturday at Neverland Ranch on SE 49 and Powell.. I first met Billy Webb on March 10, 2007 at the Pink House in S.E. --- a show I had set up with Narwhal vs.. Narwhal, Hurah Hurah and Eskimo & Sons.. It was the day everybody met everybody.
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Lorri Ehin
Oct 08 2008
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Oh Captain My Captain - Recklessly She Split The Sea. Releases November 10th, 2008Annie Marie, the second track, first song on Oh Captain My Captain's, "Recklessly She Split The Sea", interrupts a cheesy intro, that couldn't be any worse if they had called it "Opening Credits"; oh wait, they did.. Annie Marie is a sad pathetic song about a wimp.. It describes a girl that cheats on a boy and of course he's devastated.
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Apr 28 2009
posted in: comment
There's been a mighty discussion on the Show-Guide recently regarding house shows and the almighty dollar-dollar-bill-ya'll.. It's been interesting watching this hot topic unfurl.We haven't chimed in too much but rather let this one unfold on it's own and it's still going four days after the first post.. We've gone ahead and pulled out all the Shoutbox commentary and posted it in order in hopes to carry on this topic and to bring in the RSS readers into the conversation.For your annoyance or reading pleasure (it will vary for you post-by-post):
4/24/2009 12:34:48 PMjuvenile: fuck house shows that charge money;we are the brokest city foolz 4/24/2009 12:38:24 PMpc-pdx: Everybody else is broke too, like touring bands that are traveling around the country spending gas money and eating fooods.. You should never be turned away for lack of funds - but please remember that we need to support those touring bands so scrounge all you can! 4/24/2009 1:52:00 PMfuck that: fuck houses that dont give all the money to bands. unless a window gets broke. or its a benefit. your punk dollars go to punk bands to get to the next punk show. ask your mom for a bigger allowance, or start drinking cheaper beer.;fucking lackasses. 4/24/2009 3:04:00 PMNathan Backous: People that do house shows don't charge money because its fun or to make profit, they do it so they can pass the money on to the touring bands that have to fill their tanks with gas (gas stations don't donate it). If you like seeing bands, be prepared to trade some cash for it.
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May 30 2009
posted in: info
One of Portlands solid hardcore houses has been shut down, perhaps only temporarily with any luck.. From the Boneyard crew:ALL SHOWS CANCELED TILL FURTHER NOTICE, Fire Marshall will fine us $500 if we have a show without getting a permit.. We have not been able to obtain one yet so we can’t have any shows...Sorry
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Aug 26 2009
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I had intended to post this as a comment following the "House Show Rules #1: No Jerks!" blogpost, but then it sorta became an essay.. Boom Boom Kid @ the Sea Shanty, 2007.. As someone who's thrown a few hundred shows in houses over the last decade and a half, I gotta say that house-show hosts must be aware of the risks of turning their home into a public space, such as cops, assholes, theft, electrical fire, damage to walls and floors, giant messes to clean up, and even violence.. The solution is not so simple as complaining about jerks on a corner of the internet (such as here!) which will go unchecked by likely every such jerk who needs to check their attitude.The solution surely begins with considering what risks are associated with each show before you even confirm it.
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Bad Times
May 06 2011
posted in: video
The Willamette Week recently put out their annual “Best New Bands” issue, which featured a hodgepodge of Portland’s most power-washed music.. As a friend of mine said, seeing that list makes me feel like I don’t care about local music.. Perhaps we truly are “underground.” Below is my obligatory response list, accumulated from attending numerous house shows and parties.. I have to say Drunk Dad gets props for having one of the rowdiest followings in town, while Sexhair is probably the purist Portland punk band since Moral Panic broke up.This year started out rather rough so something needs to be said for the houses that hosted shows.
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