The Hanks

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The Hanks
The Hanks are a Hollywood based band consisting of Josh Grondin (lead vocals, guitar), Bryan Harris (bass guitar, backing vocals), and Shane Mayo (drums). They carry a light, alternative rock sound with many effects on the guitar and keyboard. Some of the older songs can be considered ska because of the use of a trombone and upstroke guitar rhythm. History Josh and Bryan met at an Oregon boarding school. Josh and Bryan met Phil and Shane in upon moving down to LA in 2000. Read more on …read full bio
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displaying only the last 75 shows

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  • testify: pre-thanksgiving dance party
    • holocene
    • Wednesday, 11/21/2018 21+
    • show 9pm | $
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  • 12th & final thanksgiving dinner-dinner
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  • Part of the Blasphemous Collaboration Series. The Crystal…more
    • lolas room
    • Tuesday, 11/22/2016 21+
    • Doors 7/Show 8 | $10 ADV/Day of
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  • FREE Thanksgiving Feast with vegetarian options! Come eat food…more
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  • ***FOOD / DRINKS / PIE /…more
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  • thrasher: **We regret to announce that Young Rising Sons will…more
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    Canceled*Postponed* (bands stuck in Phoenix)
    • valentines
    • Tuesday, 3/3/2015 21+
    • 9pm | $5 Suggested Donation
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  • hurch is throwing a parking lot party as a last hurrah for summer…more
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  • PDX Pop Now! 2014 Music Festival!
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  • Please note: There is limited parking at Tryon Farm, so please…more
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  • House party show. Located at 2530 se 154th Portland or…more
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  • It is with a heavy heart that we announce that this will be…more
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    • bunk bar
    • Saturday, 9/7/2013 21+
    • 1p | $free?
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  • Poison Idea and Witchburn were recently asked to help out this…more
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  • Celebrate Claire & Matt's Birthday! A celebration of friends.…more
    • tba
    • Saturday, 2/2/2013 AA
    • 8:00 Sharp, guys! | $?
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  • Fundraiser for community outreach organization The Mother Tree…more
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  • plus elvis . scotty joe is a scotsmen with a thick scottish…more
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  • riday Aug 31st…more
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  • Friday Aug 31st @ Shively Park 7-12 Babysitter (BC) White…more
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    • rontoms
    • Sunday, 8/5/2012 21+
    • 9:00 PM | $Free
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  • Laughing Horse is a SAFE, SOBER space! We are also all donation…more
    • 3
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  • READ: The Know will be closed (for an hour) prior to allowing…more
    • the know
    • Friday, 1/13/2012 21+
    • 8p | $5
    • 17
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  • Art Benefit Party! Art,film, DJs, food, and dancing! come out…more
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    • rotture
    • Thursday, 4/21/2011 21+
    • 9pm. | $5.00
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  • This show has been updated with the correct Garfield st. address…more
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    Jul 29 2008 0
    posted in: info

    PC-PDX : Updated and Redesigned!

    We've done a lot of work and hope you like the updates.. We still have a lot of ideas that we didn't get to put up yet - we wanted to get out this version now.. The Photo Gallery has been revamped to better suit the Show-Guide, it's up right now but not completely finished yet.. While you can search the photo sets right now, we have plans for all individual photos to be taggable by users, commentable and have photo links like photobucket.

    Check out the full article

    Lorri Ehin
    Oct 08 2008 3
    posted in: info

    Album Review: Oh Captain, My Captain

    Oh Captain My Captain - Recklessly She Split The Sea. Releases November 10th, 2008Annie Marie, the second track, first song on Oh Captain My Captain's, "Recklessly She Split The Sea", interrupts a cheesy intro, that couldn't be any worse if they had called it "Opening Credits"; oh wait, they did.. Annie Marie is a sad pathetic song about a wimp.. It describes a girl that cheats on a boy and of course he's devastated.

    Check out the full article

    The Coop
    Oct 13 2008 0
    posted in: info

    KickBall + Sound Judgment Fest Reviews - A Weekend At The Coop.

    This last weekend has been an amazing few days at The Coop.. Friday nights show was one of the coolest, and somehow smoothest house shows we've ever done.. It was a feature in both the Mercury and the WillieWeek which was a bit worrisome.. The last time that happened we had to repaint the bathroom because of asshole taggers.

    Check out the full article

    Eric of White Fang
    Oct 13 2008 2
    posted in: info

    White Fang - A Call For Help

    Hello friends,As you may know, White Fang is planning to tour the U.S. next month.. We were relying on the sale of Kyle’s car, a 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier, in order to purchase a van.Unfortunately, today we were leaving a jam session and the worst thing that could ever happen, did indeed happen.Kyle, thinking that his car was in reverse, pushed on the gas sending the front of the car straight into the truck parked in front of us.. The truck is fine, but Kyle’s car is now, basically, totaled.The hood is smashed and the radiator is busted.. So is the left headlight.Now, not only do we not have a way to get a van, but we are not going to have almost any money for tour.

    Check out the full article

    Nov 18 2008 1
    posted in: comment

    Weekend With the So So Glos

    I hope you caught The So So Glos this last weekend because it was -amazing-! I have to say without a doubt, that Saturday's show at The Coop was the most incredable show i've ever seen.. Two of my favorite bands, The Taxpayers and the So So Glos just killed it.. It was great because i've never been worried about The Taxpayers being able to keep up with any of the other bands...somebody needed to give those boys a challenge!. I could definately tell there was a strong fire in Rob Taxpayers eyes to bring it after that incredable SSG set.

    Check out the full article

    Dec 01 2008 0
    posted in: video

    The Teaches of Peaches - Muppet Style

    Most music videos suck, let's just be honest.. Miss Piggy singing Peaches, however, might be the best video ever made.. Somebody spent -a lot- of time on this and it was worth it, thanks.. If you haven't seen this already; boom.

    Check out the full article

    Dec 11 2008 5
    posted in: comment

    Cristmas Sweater Parties

    Just Don't Do It!I was afraid of revisit last year when every portlander had the sweater party, the hipsters and the punks and every scene in-between.. I'm all about unity, bringing all our different scenes together, but this is not the answer Portland.. Like Journey should be left in 2005, let's leave the Christmas Sweater party in 2007.At Thanksgiving time, the first sweater party show was announced -sigh.. There was worry that it would come full swing, but the sweaters stayed mum - until now which is apparently the weekend to plan your sweater party.

    Check out the full article

    Cary Clarke
    Jan 07 2009 0
    posted in: info

    Submit Your Music to PDX Pop Now! 2009

    PDX Pop Now!. Accepting Submissions for 2009 Compilation up, Portland-area musicians, because we’re ready to listen to you.. We've just opened submissions for PDX Pop Now! 2009, our sixth double-disc compilation of Portland music.. All genres, styles, aesthetics and sensibilities are welcome.For those interested in submitting music for consideration, the process is now easier than ever.

    Check out the full article

    Mar 24 2009 1
    posted in: comment

    You Done Fell Offt: Dane Cook

    Remember your first comedy special?. You had that joke about public bathrooms and the doors on the stalls, it was kind of funnie, kind of true. a lot of people would just leave the joke, but not you, you took it to another level when you did that full commit Hong-Kong-Phooey flying force egg-drop leg chop on that imaginary stall door and flatlined your ass on stage - that's fucking funny shit man!Your first two cd's were solid and entertaining.What happened with the Madison Square Garden thing man?. You're wearing $1,600 jeans and yelling at your fans for not believing some imaginary dude floats around in the sky.. What's up man - you go on extended hypotheticals not for my entertainment so i'm sure you're just doing it to hear the sound of your own voice.I did really like you in that movie though, Dan In real Life.

    Check out the full article

    Apr 07 2009 0
    posted in: photoblog

    Live at the Blood Bank: April 4th

    Our friend Natalie sent some pictures of the April 4th show @ the Blood Bank. "the photos are of larians and bird announced land. i suck, so i didnt get any shots of church." Well, we think she far from sucks and give mass-snaps for sharing these great shots. -Thanks Natalie!

    Check out the full article

    Jul 10 2009 1
    posted in: video

    Robogeisha: The Best Shit Ever!

    Motherfucker.. This is the best shit of all time.I don't know what you want me to say here, what's to be said really?. This is just flat out THE MOTHERFUCKING BALLS!. Yo Japan: your shit is on point, and i respect you.

    Check out the full article

    Aug 22 2009 2
    posted in: info

    The Wail is not Closing - Want to Run the Music/Artspace?

    Please be sure to read the second comment for the full update on this story.. The Dead Air Fresheners @ Rererato, 2008.. Photo by codfischIt's been almost a year since our last post about the art and music space on 42nd and Sumner.. The Hare Krishna house turned Rererato turned The Wail is ready for another incarnation.

    Check out the full article

    Nov 27 2009 0
    posted in: info

    Download the new DESTROY NATE ALLEN double album!

    Greetings everyone!. Tessa and I are spending a few days in Western Pennsylvania to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family.. Tour has been amazing, we’ve made all sorts of new friends & played loads and loads of rock n' roll!. So far we've played over 120 shows in around 40 states.

    Check out the full article

    Feb 26 2010 2
    posted in: info

    All-Ages Movement Project Needs Your Help


    Check out the full article

    Bad Times
    May 03 2010 9
    posted in: info

    Repost of Dekum Manor Bulletin

    From: DekumManor (51855205)To: (61763797)Date: 5/3/2010 4:47:59 PMSubject: Seve Sheldon and Aubrey EdwardsIf anyone has the number or address for either of these assholes we at Dekum Manor would really love to get a hold of them.. After tagging both sides of the little market next to our house at my birthday party, they spray-painted FUCK YOU on our front steps.. We are now facing possible eviction from our house and the suspension of all shows because of their vandalism.. Thanks for any help you can offer, friends :-)<3 Dekum Manor

    Check out the full article

    Jul 02 2010 1
    posted in: info

    Final weekend of the old PC-PDX!

    hi all,It's been a long time coming... almost an embarrassingly long time.I started talking about it around this time last year.. The earliest date that i can recall where i said we'd launch was to be New Years day, some of you may been able to nail it on a earlier date than that.ALL said and done, here in internet ink,THE NEW VERSION OF THE SHOW-GUIDE WILL LAUNCH OVER THE 4TH OF JULY WEEKEND!It's looking pretty great, i'm not going to lie - we're very excited to get the new version published and have you guys use it!WHAT'S NEW:Maps and Membership and more!SPEED:The current version in the past few weeks/months has often been slow, sometimes just gone non-responsive (ouch!). The site has been almost completely recoded - it's all 99% fresh to be able to handle to ~15 page views the site is averaging EVERY SECOND.Membership Features!If you happened to have signed up for the current implementation of Membership on pc-pdx, i'm sure you're deeply disappointed.. RURL SORR about that!. Subscribe and Track your Bands/Artists + places:Be alerted, even emailed when your subscriptions have new shows.Save shows to a custom list.Show Tags! -"being able to tag shows by genre would be pretty sweet so people into particular kinds of music could search for shows that way -name"this is the most requested feature of all time and it's finally here.

    Check out the full article

    Northwest Punk
    Jan 03 2011 12
    posted in: video

    Northwest Punk Vol. 2: Stag Bitten, Kidcrash, Meth Teeth, + Big Black Cloud!

    The much anticipated (?) follow-up to Portland's video fanzine, featuring music from Stag Bitten, Kidcrash, Meth Teeth (now defunct) and Here Comes A Big Black Cloud!Northwest Punk Vol. 2 from NORTHWEST PUNK.Thanks for checking it out !

    Check out the full article

    Apr 21 2011 32
    posted in: info

    Updates! Change Log and notes -> PLEASE REPORT BUGS HERE!

    Hi Everybody!. You might have noticed some stability issues lately that have caused the site to go down.. In order to keep the site up - we have basically been forced to push some updates that haven't been 100% tested or proven.. How you can help

    Check out the full article

    Aug 31 2011 5
    posted in: info

    Support the Guide - play this benefit show(s?)!

    We have rad people hosting a benefit show for us and we need your awesome band to play.. It's a bit of a departure for us in that it's a 21+ show and we've never done anything not all-ages.. These people are rad though and approached us with the idea and the Show-Guide is in no position to deny awesome people giving this operation some love.SOIf your band can draw a few people out to a bar on Friday, September 30th - please comment or email and let's hang out!. September is the time where we have to pony up the majority of the ~$1200 it will take to keep us afloat for another year.Thanks to everybody for your support - 21+, mark your calendars!.ALL AGES: somebody throw a house party for us!

    Check out the full article

    Oct 24 2011 8
    posted in: info

    How Punk is Your Vagina?

    how punk is your vagina?Not very unless you're rocking these punk/glam tampons AT ALL TIMES.TAMPUNXXXi thought that punk and glam were on totally opposite sides of the spectrum... anti-bullshit vs. drug-fueled decadence but hey.. shows what the fuck i know.. Thanks for setting me straight Tampax!. I promise to be less individualistic/freethinking and a better consumer from now on.Tampunx tampons: check.. Now where are my Minor Threat Nikes?

    Check out the full article

    Nov 23 2011 4
    posted in: info

    PC-PDX Benefit This Friday @ Backspace!

    Hey Look!. Awesome people rounded up an awesome line-up and are throwing the show-guide a benefit show at backspace this friday. "'s a valuable tool that has benefited the city, us haphazard bands, and clueless fans without the cliquey barrier so many feel is necessary to be cool."Thanks guys!. WE'LL SEE EVERYBODY IN PORTLAND THERE ON FRIDAY.

    Check out the full article

    Jan 29 2012 2
    posted in: info

    possible server interruptions + site outages in next few days

    we found a new vps host with whom we were able to score a sweet deal and get a bitchin' hardware upgrade that essentially doubles our config stats for HALF THE MOTHERFUCKING PRICE. ...i wrote a bunch more here but i'll refrain from actually publishing my angry rant on thought that the current vps host sees this and decides AGAIN to shut off our service. -i'm sure it was entirely accidental though... just like how the site has gone down several times a week for the last ..LONG TIME NOW. anyway, everybody that is not still reading this - brace for some slow spots and a possible few hours of outage whilst we switch over.THANKS AND BIG LOVE TO YOU!

    Check out the full article

    Apr 15 2012 6
    posted in: info

    WE'RE FIVE YEARS OLD! -a screenshot retrospective

    The Show-Guide at this point, as we've been told by many (thanks!), is the tip top kaleidoscope of cool as far as any diy show listing site goes.. It is an open-to-anybody wiki where you can post and edit any show to keep everybody up to date on the cool shit that happens here in pdx.. Back in 2007 there was not any central place to find and talk about shows or to keep everybody updated on last minute changes : just bands with myspace pages furiously sending out bulletins at 5pm saying that the 8'oclock show had to move houses across town or whatever and that just want awesome.We created the show-guide wiki, as it stands now, over the last five years.. I got nostalgic a few days back and decided to hit to go through some of their screenshots of the various site styles through the years.

    Check out the full article

    Dec 17 2012 1
    posted in: info

    SAVE BACKSPACE! throw down for a bad ass ALL-AGES venue.

    we jacked the following from and suggest that you go there and make a donation or, if you personally can't, tell a friend who can afford to make a donation and save one of portlands last ALL-AGES music venues and all-around baddass space!Backspace is in Trouble.Regardless of the role Backspace plays, and that Backspace would like to continue to give to the people of Portland, we have basically been told by the landlord that if we can't come up with $10,000, by the 1st of January, that we will be thrown out.. This means we would no longer be able to play a pivotal role in being a community space for the people of Portland.. We wouldn't be able to house benefits for local non-profits.. We wouldn't be able to give bands an all-ages venue to play in.

    Check out the full article

    useless facts

    56 upcoming shows @ 20 different spots

    50 upcoming shows with flyers

    4 ALL AGES shows!

    Find shows, photos, blogs
    Jake Prog, fusion, adventurous storytelling @bunkbar 3/28! Julie and the East, Stinkbug, National Diet
    -3/3/2025 8:28:31 PM
    Graciella Hesse @snug, the [Mar 12, 2025] » Hope to see everyone there! Whoever you are! Whatever you are! However you are! Whenever you are! Whyever you are!
    -2/23/2025 6:24:21 PM
    Small Million @tender loving empire hq [Feb 28, 2025] » TLE is excited to welcome Small Million and Isabeau Waia'u Walker to our warehouse with liquid light projections from Coast Range Lights! ¤ Doors at 7pm ¤ 7pm- DJ DaCosta ¤ 8pm- Isabeau Waia’u Walker ¤ 8:30-9pm - DJ ¤ 9pm- Small Million ¤ 10pm- DJ ¤ 11pm - Close ¤…read the full comment
    -2/20/2025 10:06:16 PM
    Heather @saturn house [Feb 08, 2025] » All proceeds benefit MATW project who are doing amazing work in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and beyond ❤️
    -2/7/2025 10:30:35 PM
    QuiveringLip @turn turn turn [Feb 09, 2025] » Noisy all ages Sunday matinee! What more could you want?
    -2/4/2025 9:36:05 PM
    GN Meals on Wheels benefit show FRI 2/21 Hawthorne Hideway, all door proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels People!
    -2/4/2025 9:01:28 PM
    Holly Rohr Please join us for an evening of live music. It's going to be a great show!
    -1/24/2025 12:23:49 PM
    Jake Avant/prog/experimental/goth at AZOTH on 2/1! Join us for CONVEXITY!
    -1/17/2025 10:29:36 AM
    Bent Spokes Posse @cascade bar & grill [Feb 01, 2025] » This will be a fun night full of epic rock music and dancing. Join us!
    -1/11/2025 4:44:48 PM
    Jake Prog/Experimental rockers Rainbow Face release their second album 12/6 @ High Water Mark!
    -11/13/2024 11:04:23 AM
    Jake McLoud @firkin tavern, the [Nov 29, 2024] » Sad Times Productions Presents: Friends'Giving Fest 2024 - A benefit for the Piegan Institute ¤ ¤ 3 nights! 11 bands! Local Indigenous vendors! Raffle prizes! ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤…read the full comment
    -11/12/2024 10:53:49 AM
    Derek @six below midnight, the [Nov 08, 2024] » Shadowgraphs - Equally inspired by classic psychedelic pop and modern indie rock, the latest album finds the band branching out and incorporating shoegaze, post-punk, and dream pop influences into their sound. The resulting album calls to mind the effervescent melodies of labelmates Sugar Candy Mountain, the…read the full comment
    -10/28/2024 7:44:02 PM
    Derek @six below midnight, the [Nov 07, 2024] » Los Bunyans - The Bunyans are a rock band from Mexico City formed in 2015 with a unique sound that incorporates a wide variety of genres including but not limited to garage rock, punk rock, surf rock, country, blues, noise rock and heavy metal. They’ve shared the stage with bands such as Oh Sees, Night Beats, and…read the full comment
    -10/28/2024 7:40:18 PM
    Brian @alberta rose theater [Nov 07, 2024] » We are proud to share with you a collaboration of two of Portland’s hardest working bands The Colin Trio and Ben Rice and the PDX Hustle. These bands are joining forces in celebration of the newest album release Didn’t Mean To from the Colin Trio. Get ready for an evening of genre bending music from soul, jazz,…read the full comment
    -10/22/2024 6:42:06 PM
    Mountain Meadows Massacre @snug, the [Oct 19, 2024] » First show back for our drummer and first show in town in a long time ! ¤
    -10/17/2024 7:22:30 PM
    NASALROD + GAYTHEIST + MACHINE COUNTRY on SATURDAY SEPT 28TH at POLARIS HALL! @polaris hall [Sep 28, 2024] » NASALROD is thrilled to finally reunite with the mighty GAYTHEIST here in PDX! We'll be playing at the splendid POLARIS HALL (a great room with an excellent sound system)...and it'll be the B-DAY show for Gaytheist's own Tim Hoff!! PLUS: amazing newcomers MACHINE COUNTRY will be tearing it up right at 8pm SHARP,…read the full comment
    -9/8/2024 12:24:51 PM
    Gretta @fixin’ to, the [Sep 01, 2024] » So pumped to play our first ever show!! ¤ ¤
    -8/11/2024 9:26:26 PM
    NASALROD + SWAMPBUCK on SUNDAY JULY 28th at RONTOMS (FREE & OUTDOORS)! @rontoms [Jul 28, 2024] » Nasalrod is excited to finally return to the RONTOMS outdoor patio! PLUS, our buds SWAMPBUCK (feat. members of The Fur Coats & ROOM) will be making a super RARE appearance!! FREE, OUTDOORS, & with a GREAT sound system!!! Music at 8:30PM.
    -7/20/2024 12:47:07 PM
    Yury Gödl355 @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » OMG, the ultimate Speed-rock fuckband! ¤ In a sweltering hot Dante's inferno!
    -7/13/2024 6:59:13 PM
    DAIKAIJU + NASALROD + RAILING ON FRIDAY JULY 12TH AT DANTES! @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » THIS FRIDAY NIGHT! NASALROD & RAILING will support the EPIC kaiju/monster-themed band DAIKAIJU!! There will be FIRE...and ya don't wanna miss it, as this is gonna seriously RULE. Advance tix are strongly advised!!!
    -7/11/2024 12:44:46 PM
    pc-pdx Thanks @Z - I'll look into that and fix it
    -7/9/2024 12:55:22 PM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 28, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:27:45 AM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 26, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:15:34 AM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 25, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:10:04 AM
    Lisa @starday tavern [Jul 04, 2024] » Early show! starts at 5 pm sharp!! Yank yer doodle dandies down there!
    -7/2/2024 9:02:16 AM
    bastardsalt [Free Show Alert] ¤ ¤ Railside Pub 8pm ¤ ¤ Bastard Salt ¤ Cactus Man ¤ Coy Pussy ¤ ¤ Punk, Femme, ripping & rockin’! ¤ ¤ If you don’t have plans! C’mon out!
    -6/29/2024 4:18:23 PM
    Z The mobile site usually only shows half the shows!
    -6/28/2024 7:06:00 PM
    Lisa Lee @misdemeanor meadows [Jun 27, 2024] » Cancer Benefit show for Corrina, Jeff TRuhn's lady. Please come, and help out.
    -6/20/2024 4:48:48 PM
    DAIKAIJU + NASALROD + RAILING on FRIDAY JULY 12th at DANTES! @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » NASALROD & RAILING will soon support the EPIC kaiju/monster-themed band DAIKAIJU! FRIDAY JULY 12th at DANTE'S...this is gonna seriously rule!! Advance tix are advised!!!
    -6/20/2024 12:20:02 PM
    jenn's sushi dayz. Redroom, Portland, feat Human ¢-apede on surround sound. Spicy like red meat chicken. 5 Pm.
    -6/4/2024 11:00:20 PM
    Guinevere Q @starday tavern [Jul 30, 2024] » Electronic space rock duo SUNQ performs an original sci-fi musical story about astronauts, love, and resistance. Free show starts at 7pm SHARP! Stick around after the performance for Party Portal Shaqtime 10pm - Midnight!
    -6/3/2024 2:40:47 PM
    Jake @azoth [May 31, 2024] » Microtonal rock, prog, and post-punk tonight at Azoth! The Mercury Tree, Rainbow Face, and Artifacts of Fiction tear it up
    -5/31/2024 10:18:46 AM
    Twobuck40 What's the deal with Speeds Autobody?
    -5/18/2024 8:57:27 AM
    Jake @turn turn turn [May 18, 2024] » Big prog show this Saturday at Turn Turn Turn with Moon Letters all the way from Seattle!
    -5/13/2024 9:35:35 AM
    Cranefist Ride or die slow rollerz // take the lane ¤ ¤ ¤ Let's gig!!! ¤ @cranefistridersclub
    -5/10/2024 5:26:59 AM
    Domersi We sure want to see more of his music in our State of Arkansas.
    -5/5/2024 4:12:39 PM
    lesamonster I was told to "ask a punk" about the @dollarsignstheband show on June 18th. If you see something, say something. :)
    -4/30/2024 9:54:57 AM
    Andrew @misdemeanor meadows [May 23, 2024] »
    -4/27/2024 10:58:27 AM
    NASALROD (Album Release!) + DIVERS + THE MISTONS - SAT MAY 4TH! @polaris hall [May 04, 2024] » Nasalrod is verrry excited to play w/DIVERS & THE MISTONS for our ALBUM RELEASE show at Polaris Hall on SAT, MAY the 4th!! It'll be a Polaris DEBUT for all three bands!!! See you there. -Nasalrod
    -4/19/2024 10:58:59 AM
    Valusint @revolution hall [Apr 11, 2024] » Portland-based composer/musician Alicia Jo Rabins joins sonic forces with 130 singers from the award-winning Camas High School Choir, a trio of top-tier rock musicians, and the vaunted Third Angle New Music string trio for the dynamic world premiere of I Was A Desert: Songs of the Matriarchs. ¤ ¤ I…read the full comment
    -4/6/2024 2:08:29 PM
    Max 400 chars What say you?