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Ask A Goober, Portland, OR

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the goo
Ask A Goober     Portland, OR

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displaying only the last 75 shows

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  • COVID = no Panthervision. Healthy people should still show up and…more
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  • Join My Siamese Twin at the infamously haunted Hotel Oregon for a…more
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  • Come party with MST as we celebrate McMenamins 25th Anniversary…more
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  • This is the after party for the Daft Punk x LCD Soundsystem…more
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  • Good Grief's first show, featuring members of Young Elk and The…more
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  • Hey. I think you're going to enjoy this. We're setting up for 3…more
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  • https://fb.me/e/1KydyE8Cx https://newinjuries.bandcamp.com/tr…more
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  • Vaxx/Negative Test
    • no fun
    • Saturday, 6/25/2022 21+
    • 7 PM | $8
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    • no fun
    • Thursday, 10/7/2021 21+
    • 8 PM | $8
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  • HHLL and DDG reunion. PDX rippers Dowager’s first show since…more
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  • Heavy Tuesday at Twilight! Music at 9pm sharp!
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  • This Show is not to be missed as Percussion improv duo BIOSPHERES…more
    • no fun
    • Thursday, 2/13/2020 21+
    • 9:00 pm | $5-10
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  • Benefit show for the Youth Liberation Front and Climate Strike…more
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  • A little bit of country and a little bit of rock and roll! Local…more
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  • One year anniversary party. Cash Only. Tickets at the door.
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  • Rad Max Presents: SO BAD, IT'S RAD! One rad band. One bad…more
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    Jul 16 2008 7
    posted in: blog

    MTV (EmptyTV) nods a sulute to Portland

    Empty-TV gives it up for Portland with a few small vignettes on the incredible PDX scene.. They focus on the standard hip bands like StarFucker, YACHT, Southern Belle and the oh-so obvious Thermals but also reach out to the always awesome band Eat Skull.. This is not exactly a good representative cross-section on the many genres and sub-scenes that Portland has to offer but it's still kind of cool.. PC-PDX.com : Portland Show Guide Next time how about something including Autistic Youth, Red Dons, Estranged and the rest of the punker scene?

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    Arya Imig
    Aug 22 2008 3
    posted in: info

    Final Edition of The Newspapers

    One year and three days after releasing their debut E.P. and two months after releasing their second, NEWSPAPERS have announced that their last show will be this Saturday at Neverland Ranch on SE 49 and Powell.. I first met Billy Webb on March 10, 2007 at the Pink House in S.E. --- a show I had set up with Narwhal vs.. Narwhal, Hurah Hurah and Eskimo & Sons.. It was the day everybody met everybody.

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    Lorri Ehin
    Oct 08 2008 3
    posted in: info

    Album Review: Oh Captain, My Captain

    Oh Captain My Captain - Recklessly She Split The Sea. Releases November 10th, 2008Annie Marie, the second track, first song on Oh Captain My Captain's, "Recklessly She Split The Sea", interrupts a cheesy intro, that couldn't be any worse if they had called it "Opening Credits"; oh wait, they did.. Annie Marie is a sad pathetic song about a wimp.. It describes a girl that cheats on a boy and of course he's devastated.

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    Oct 11 2008 5
    posted in: info

    Kickball is a game-- and a it's a band, too.

    As y'all probably know, this show was at the Coop this Saturday, (that's Aug 10th, BTW). We got there late, and kickball was the only band I got to shoot pictures of.. It was packed.. Like, SUPER packed.. Like, 'in the event of a fire we are all gonna die, guys' PACKED.

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    The Coop
    Oct 13 2008 0
    posted in: info

    KickBall + Sound Judgment Fest Reviews - A Weekend At The Coop.

    This last weekend has been an amazing few days at The Coop.. Friday nights show was one of the coolest, and somehow smoothest house shows we've ever done.. It was a feature in both the Mercury and the WillieWeek which was a bit worrisome.. The last time that happened we had to repaint the bathroom because of asshole taggers.

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    Eric of White Fang
    Oct 13 2008 2
    posted in: info

    White Fang - A Call For Help

    Hello friends,As you may know, White Fang is planning to tour the U.S. next month.. We were relying on the sale of Kyle’s car, a 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier, in order to purchase a van.Unfortunately, today we were leaving a jam session and the worst thing that could ever happen, did indeed happen.Kyle, thinking that his car was in reverse, pushed on the gas sending the front of the car straight into the truck parked in front of us.. The truck is fine, but Kyle’s car is now, basically, totaled.The hood is smashed and the radiator is busted.. So is the left headlight.Now, not only do we not have a way to get a van, but we are not going to have almost any money for tour.

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    Oct 14 2008 1
    posted in: info

    All Ages Art Space Rererato Is Closing It's Doors

    East Coast transplants Adam and Stephanie have made a nice niche for art in Portland with Rererato since it's inception in early 2007.. With a last few great shows in just a few weeks, Rererato will be packing up and shutting it's doors for good.. This All-Ages venue has been so much more than just music.. While it's been the anchor in KPSU's Experimental Music Series and key in the Experimental + Noise scene over the last year, they've also hosted everything from puppet shows, art galleries and television shows.

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    Oct 25 2008 1
    posted in: photoblog

    Groadie in Pink-- JonnyX and the Groadies

    The two local bands in this line-up were amazing, but since I am probably going to blog about them again in the future, I am going to stick to the touring band, The Usaisamonster.. Not at all the metal-centric dirge fest that I was expecting (especially on this bill- no offense, JXATG and TBTSYW). The Usaisamonster has a much more psychedelic feel- quiet, almost pop-y vocal harmonies in the darker sounding minor keys and synth/keyboard parts that weave into with the rest of the arrangement to make it sound real dream-y.. Really good, really different than what I had expected, which almost always is nice.

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    Jan 24 2009 4
    posted in: comment

    'A Paper Cup Band' Throws Down a Mean Hoedown

    A Paper Cup Band 01/23 @ Random House PartyThis Minneapolis trio really knows how to kill the party and alienate the sorrostitutes that have never expanded their musical vocabulary beyond Cyndi Lauper and Madonna; good.. However, if you're cool enough to wait the three minute set up time with out making stinkface - you're in money because A Paper Cup Band bring a whole other level of party.. These acoustic anarcho-jug band stylee (you describe them?) guys were tossed last minute into a fashion dance party and pulled it off fluid.. The whole house was stompin' and shakin, booties were bouncing all over the living room.

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    Feb 26 2009 0
    posted in: info

    HS Bands - Your Chance to play the Crystal Ballroom

    Yo High Schoolers - here's your chance to play in front of the big 3 music editors and some of the heavy weight personality's that fuel the scene.. Top prize gets to play the Crystal Ballroom.. April 10th is a High School Battle of the Bands at Backspace.. Fill out an application online and play with Boy Eats Drum Machine and the holy-crap-amazing So So Glos(!).Battle of the Bands are most of the time, well, dumb.

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    Mar 01 2009 5
    posted in: comment

    The End of The Hush - Shutdown!

    last night the inevitable happened, 5 cops, 1 olcc rep, and 2 fire marshals stopped the show and let us know that we were to have no more shows until we have a permit.. Here's the reason we don't have one to begin with: due to the fact that the performance hall is three stories up we would be given a capacity of LESS THAN 49 INCLUDING PERFORMERS AND STAFF.That's not a lot of people. you can see why it was not appealing for us to go legit.so now I have a hand full of shows that I need your help in placing.I've contacted the artistery, the wail, backspace, disjecta and worksound about taking some bills, is there anywhere i've left out?all in all, I want to continue to work with the music community in making it the raddest it can be, there are so many amazing bands in portland right now and we have all been doing our part in supporting that. lets keep working together in harnessing that, whether it be attending a show, spreading the word about a band you really like and buying their albums, throwing sweaty house shows for new up and coming bands, or simply telling someone their art is awesome and worth appreciating, every little bit helps.& thank you all for sharing the excitement with me about the bands and shows HUSH has had.. See you around.<3 Rockyp.s.- anyone know of any good warehouses for rent?. HUSH the sequel maybe?

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    Mar 10 2009 3
    posted in: photoblog

    Japanther and friends

    After months of winter hibernation, I have crawled out of my cave [basement] and returned to the land of the living.. This was the first show I'd been to since somewhere around early november, last year.. Good to be back!

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    Mar 24 2009 1
    posted in: comment

    You Done Fell Offt: Dane Cook

    Remember your first comedy special?. You had that joke about public bathrooms and the doors on the stalls, it was kind of funnie, kind of true. a lot of people would just leave the joke, but not you, you took it to another level when you did that full commit Hong-Kong-Phooey flying force egg-drop leg chop on that imaginary stall door and flatlined your ass on stage - that's fucking funny shit man!Your first two cd's were solid and entertaining.What happened with the Madison Square Garden thing man?. You're wearing $1,600 jeans and yelling at your fans for not believing some imaginary dude floats around in the sky.. What's up man - you go on extended hypotheticals not for my entertainment so i'm sure you're just doing it to hear the sound of your own voice.I did really like you in that movie though, Dan In real Life.

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    Apr 05 2009 7
    posted in: comment


    The Doppleganger has long been a mystery, but now consider it solved. "A double, an identical replica of a person.. The idea behind this is that everyone has a Doppleganger, an identical copy of themselves somewhere in the world.. If the person is good, then the Doppleganger will be evil and vice versa.. It is even said that if the two should meet, then they will both perish.Although there is no evidence that Dopplegangers exist, some people have actually reported claims of witnessing what they believe to be their Doppleganger.

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    Apr 12 2009 6
    posted in: comment

    Bear Feet : Portland's Best New Band

    Playing their first public show, these six kids packed the Coop with a horde of friends and pretty much shook the place to the ground.. Bear Feet brings fresh flavor - straight from the 30's.. These teenagers offer a sort of Ragtime Americana Stand-Up Bass, delicious Jug-band jazz that's thick brewed in 80 year old styles.Lovely twin vocals from the lovely Taylor and Elena run reminiscent of all that's good from the Ditty Bops.. With two members coming from the defunct thrash band Tibetan Beef Garden, the male half of the string section shows amazing diversity in their talent.

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    Apr 12 2009 1
    posted in: hindsite

    Hindsite: A Show Journal and Scene Report

    Jesse Michaels, Mike Park, Dateless, The Damage Done, Destroy Nate AllenMarch 17th @ GRNSTR House in SeattleWe found out a few days before this amazing show that we had some family from Bolivia flying through Seattle.. Tessa suggested I try to find a show.. The Damage Done were kind enough to let us open last minute.. The GRNSTR House was small and pretty well packed before things got started.

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    May 15 2009 1
    posted in: info

    Best Band PDX 2009 Poll - we fixed our mistake

    As i'm sure everybody knows, We're hosting the Best Band PDX 2009 poll on the Show-Guide.. Our friend MIKE informed us that when you hit the [Enter] key on the keyboard after typing in a band - the #1 band gets a vote rather than the band that was manually typed in... That means that The Closet Monsters' vote count is unnaturally high and they didn't really get as many votes as are now counted.. We've thought about the best way to handle this and consulted some good people to help figure this one out.. What we've decided to do is to NOT start the survey over but rather delete the bad count for The Closet Monsters.

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    Jul 04 2009 23
    posted in: info

    The Coop Ducks Out, Come Say Goodbye!

    The Coop is dead.. After a 17 month run as The Coop, the space moves on and the shows at 3535 N Lombard will cease.. The future of the house is up in the air but according the the Landlord, the house will go in another direction and will not be again leased for the community space that the Lombard house has been running for the last 2 -1/2 years.. The shows will stop at the 3535, but the house may again see old tennants as John Brainard is back in town to possibly open up a coffee shop or hostel... (?)The last show will probably be the Resistance Fest Northwest day #4 show on Sunday, July 12th.

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    Aug 04 2009 16
    posted in: comment

    Summerfector Defective Revenge of The Big Black Cloud

    "Here Comes A Big Black Cloud vows revenge!" yelled cloud guitarist, Danger Dagger after the fifth attempt to crank the generator had failed." The Taxpayers must feel my wrath!" he added.. The two bands were the last on the roster at this years summer version of "Defector Fest",sunday afternoon at Overlook Park in North Portland.. The festival was a three day event celebrating portland punk, metal, hardcore and whatnot.. This show was to be a VS show.

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    Aug 17 2009 5
    posted in: video

    The Thermals - Live @ Jackpot Records

    The Thermals playing "Pillar Of Salt" Live @ Jackpot Records, Portland, Oregon 7.24.2009This video is from our friend Andrew.. The video production is amazing and we're not sure how he did it.. regardless, it's a great vid and Andrew should post more (wink wink). He's got a full channel of good looking videos.. If you're into music more on the indie side of the scene then be sure to Check out his video page menomenation.blip.tv/

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    Aug 22 2009 2
    posted in: info

    The Wail is not Closing - Want to Run the Music/Artspace?

    Please be sure to read the second comment for the full update on this story.. The Dead Air Fresheners @ Rererato, 2008.. Photo by codfischIt's been almost a year since our last post about the art and music space on 42nd and Sumner.. The Hare Krishna house turned Rererato turned The Wail is ready for another incarnation.

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    Sep 04 2009 0
    posted in: warning

    Internet Explorer Users : Edit Pages Fixed

    completely unrelated to anything, ever.. This site is a wiki where a good and sizable chunk of the info is posted, edited and maintained by the users.. Apparently for a few months now the Internet Explorer users have been unable to participate since the submit button wouldn't work... whoops.Sorry about that, we don't use IE at all and don't care for it really - this means we can go long periods of time without knowing that important functions and features are broken.. This site is a lot prettier in Firefox, Chrome and Safari but we still want you IE peoples to be able to participate.

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    Sep 05 2009 0
    posted in: facebook

    New Facebook Fan Page - Sign up!

    FB.init("3746f61c7a4ac549c211bcbe73a5adb6");PC-PDX.com : Portland Show Guide on Facebook Hey Everybody!. We're finally getting grips on the Facebook action with a proper FAN Page.We have a facebook page already with a good number of friends.. If you're one of those people - please friend the new FANable page.Do you guys have any suggestion on what you would like to see from us in the Social realm?. Please feel free to post suggestions.

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    Nov 17 2009 1
    posted in: comment

    Don't sleep on Mustaphamond

    Awesome uhm....this band kicks ass.Is there anything else to say?First time i saw these guys was 6+ years ago at the now way defunct Meow Meow.. It was probably with Plot To Blow Up The Eiffel Tower or some other cacophonous jazz-punk ensemble . Whomever it was, I remember being really excited about seeing the headliner - but it was one of those shows that i left being way more pumped about the local openers: Mustaphamond.. At the time i recall the band was something like 5 dudes doing Dischord meets Converge math-punk.. It was amazing and blew my mind.

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    Notorious Kelly
    Nov 23 2009 27
    posted in: open-mic

    The Ultimate Open Mic List for Oregon and Vancouver

    You've got a song, a poem, a joke, or something - we wanna HEAR it!A skit, an act, part of a movie or play that you like - we wanna SEE it!No matter what you've got, there's a place on this list to PERFORM it!I promise we will applaud no matter what.. May lead to bigger things: paying gigs,collaborations with other artists - who KNOWS?!?Maybe you're not a performer, but just want to witness some of the most creative,intelligent and beautiful people on the planet.Well, without an audience, it's just rehearsal.. It isn't a show without YOU!Come be a part of it!Open mics and jams come and go regularly, so it's a good idea to call and confirmdetails before attending one for the first time.. Please let me know of any additions/deletions/corrections.Now - COME SHOW US YOUR STUFF!(Open Mic tips at the end)ALL AGES Open Mics in Portland 21+ OPEN MICS ARE BELOW THESE as well as OutsidePortland and Non-weekly listingsMONDAYTwin Paradox coffee house 8609 SE 17th Ave Sellwood (503) 232-8202 sign up 6:45pm Show 7 pm Intimate neighborhood gathering.

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    Nov 27 2009 0
    posted in: info

    Download the new DESTROY NATE ALLEN double album!

    Greetings everyone!. Tessa and I are spending a few days in Western Pennsylvania to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family.. Tour has been amazing, we’ve made all sorts of new friends & played loads and loads of rock n' roll!. So far we've played over 120 shows in around 40 states.

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    Jul 13 2010 0
    posted in: video

    Foot Ox at Satyricon

    ..tapped in!!This video is Foot Ox first show since Teague's return to Portland.. The show was at Satyricon on June 30th with DMV,Your Heart Breaks, and Defiance,ohio.. Sadly, YHB had to cancel but the show turned out to be a real slam anyway!You can see more videos from that show on my youtube channelhttp://www.youtube.com/user/hollypaulyAlso, this coming up friday july16th will be the Foot Ox official record release party at The Green House featuring various members of distant colony,forever and blood beach.. Come and celebrate with us and some good times!!

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    Jul 21 2010 9
    posted in: faq

    FAQ / WTF?! : Tags and Band Bios explained

    Hi Hi,The Band Bios and Tags are awesome and are a huge step forward in the coolness and usefulness of this site.. They are also, on occasion, the source of some WTF?! confusion:"Why is my show tagged 'dubstep'?. I'm not dubtep or reggae!""The listing for my band shows the wrong bio - what's up?"Let it be known that we don't actually host any of the band bios or tags at this moment in time.. All of the band bios come from user submitted data from Last.Fm.

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    Jul 22 2010 7
    posted in: faq

    FAQ/WTF?! : How to Get Your Band Listed and Post a New Bio

    Most of the bands listed correctly will have Bios attached to them but there are a number of bands out there that don't yet have these posted.. If you're looking to get a bio posted for your band, there's a trick to it:All of the Bios come from Last.Fm.The way last.fm works is through a thing called "scrobbling".Scrobbling works by installing a program on your computer that catalogs and tracks what you listen to - all this info goes back to the Last.fm database.. It's really neat and gives you fun facts and stats on your listening habbits.The way a band begins to exist in the system is by somebody listening to it.As far as i know, there's no way to manually enter in a new band to the system : it HAS to be be scrobbled meaning you have to listen to it.Even if your band doesn't have any music recorded, Don't worry - it's not a problem, just get clever:Just throw on an ABBA tune (you know you have it) after renaming the band "ABBA" to whatever your band name is ("Tijuana Poop Smugglers" ?).Listen to the song and make sure it's 'scrobbled'.This will get the band name into the system. - note that it won't show up immediately, it may take a few hours or more.. You will then be able to add and edit the Bio and it will show up on pc-pdx anytime anybody hovers on it or checks out your band page.

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    Jul 22 2010 1
    posted in: info

    Not So Well Planned: Plan B in the Pearl.

    I just came across an interesting blog post that mentions there's a new gallery opening up in the Pearl District.. Right, me neither, BUT - i bring this up because the name of this gallery happens to be "PLAN B".Right, Plan B, it's on everyone's list of favorite punk/metal/thrash bars.. The article on the new Pearl District delight starts "WELL-PLANNED"... nope.. No it wasn't.I can't find any more info on this place except for this one post: http://www.byronbeck.com/home/516-art-matters-plan-b-gallery-opens-in-pearl-district.html, but i'm sure if it's all real - it means that people googling this "plan b" gallery are going to end up at a grimey punk bar.**Terrified yuppies for the win.**ps... don't get me wrong, art shows can be cool too - take this interesting twist for example: Punk Rock + Art Show @ Slabtown

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    Aug 03 2010 22
    posted in: info

    Satyricon to close FOREVER, Last Show: Halloween 2010

    The legendary punk club is in it's last few weeks - it will be shutting down for good on Halloween.Here's a quote from the upcoming Willy Week [don't hurt me casey!]"Satyricon, once the longest-running indie rock nightclub on the West Coast and one of Portland’s few all ages venues, will close its doors for good this October.. The building housing the venerable venue has been purchased by local outreach/housing program the MacDonald Center and is slated to be demolished to make way for a new shelter.. The club, which shut down once before in 2003 after an initial two-decade run (when the club opened in 1984, WW’s Zach Dundas noted at it’s ‘03 closure, there was “no Pearl District, no River District, no Chinese Garden, no MAX”), is planning a string of high-profile farewell shows in October, with the final blast happening on Halloween.. Satyricon has been open in its current all ages format since 2006.

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    Oct 11 2010 8
    posted in: info

    FU: The best ALL AGES venue in portland - it's new, it's the Factory Underground

    Let's start with the bad : they're north.. Wicked North.Everything else at the Factory Underground is pandas and puppies and fireworks and punk rock rainbows - this place is awesome.. Bands, coffee, cute girls running an art gallery that doesn't suck (really -it doesn't suck!), a half-pipe(?!),I grew up in small towns(s) midwest and if we weren't getting kicked out of wall-mart (the intercom is [*]+[0]+[3] by-the-way), we were sitting at Denny's, chain smoking, drinking coffee and talking about opening up the coolest place in the universe...some sort of punk rock coffee shop with half-pipes and all of our favorite bands.. It's pretty crazy just how closely the Factory Underground resembles everything i ever wanted out of being a trapped in teenager in the boring ass madwest.

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    Jan 15 2011 0
    posted in: info

    LOTL: Pacific NW Underground needs music.

    I have started doing a show on Radio23's Cascade Community Radio called Land of the Lost: Pacific Northwest Underground and I am seeking some good Pacific NW music to play.. Any genre is ok from punk to folk to spoken word to hiphop... I'll play stuff I like (fortunately I have eclectic taste). Send your high quality MP3s (no less than 192 kbps) to lotlpdx (at) skullmanrecords.com.. It's like a big mixtape, streams on Wednesday nights & will be archived as well.. Attach up to 3 MP3s per mail & write if you have questions or comments or whatever.... x 3rika

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    Jan 25 2011 1
    posted in: info

    Server Outage Tomorrow! -We're getting a brand new box.

    HeyHey - good news: the site is going to be down for an hour or two tomorrow!It's good news because there have been some serious problems lately with our host.. They have agreed to give us a brand new box which hopefully takes care of the problems where the uh..site just goes dead for a few hours at a time, or becomes really slow and unresponsive.The plan is for the transfer to happen in the wee hours of East Coast time but who know what will play out.. Here's good warning.Wish us luck.

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    lee corey oswald
    Mar 30 2011 2
    posted in: info

    Some Goofpunx Pics!

    Okayyyyyy I wish I had more pictures from the Goofpunx Fest to post, but unfortunately others and I were only able to snap a few.. I also had to weed out the garbage photos from the good ones so here is what I came up with.. We have some photos from Red and Black show and some from Marge Madness. http://www.flickr.com/photos/skinnyisthenewblack/sets/72157626394221942 pc-pdx edit-add on:Check out Lee Corey Oswald "These Four Walls" at Marge Madness @ Sea Shanty :

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    Apr 12 2011 17
    posted in: faq

    Our Tech - the past, present and future of pc-pdx

    "Anyone know what CMS this site is based off of?"This site is 100% custom freshness!It started in 2007 as a hardcoded mess - i literally updated the show listings by hand every night at midnight to remove the old shows.Jan 1st 2008 saw version #2 where we actually got a database and pc-pdx started becoming a real website, the wiki format that it is today - rather than a static mess.~July 2009 came version #3, the Red + Black version where the site really started to take off.. The site started to become more user friendly - we had some hits and misses with features..(membership like features were a HUGE failure) It started getting really slow and cumbersome towards the end of its run because i learned to code along with this site and it hasn't always been the highest preforming, scalable implementation.July 5th 2010 - this current version breached the septic internet womb and came into fruition.. A lot of cool new features were added but now that it's so many months later, i see a lot of places for improvement.. You guys might have seen the "Ohhh shit!

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    Sep 11 2011 4
    posted in: info

    Mix it Up, Fuck it Up II Release Show!!!

    Hey everyone, Useless State Records is proud to present Mix it up, Fuck it Up II!!! This tape, just like the last one, is not only to highlight and capture what is happening right now in our special pocket of DIY Portland, but also to generate funds to pay for this here amazing (and ad free!) website that we all use and love so much.. The release show is as follows: Big Black Cloud, Honduran, Company, Nasal Rod Failhouse (110 N Failing St) 7pm Free, a $3-5 Donation will get you a tape!. Here is the track list: SIDE A Hooded Hags- Exxon Baby Company- Monday Again Big Black Cloud- Shitty Vibrations Archers- Jackson Danger Death Ray- Rock Against Rock Against Bush Potsie-Sap Honduran- Serial Inebriate Stag Bitten- Dear Banh Mi- Uhaul Hero The Angries- Biff Kottendik- Round and Round Drunk Dad- Bad Friends Couch SIDE B The Reservations- Dogs in the Day Ojos De Vaca- Milk Dj Foxdye- Tapecracker Gay Ghost- Goodevening Grunyen Andrew Link- Take the Burden Blandina- Tangled Waves Iraquasaurus- Frosted Remains Grrrl Friend- By a Thread Jizzwisard- Lifeclock This tape will be available on the USR website (useless-state.com) after the release show.. Be there or be L7! <3 USR

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    rob taxpayer
    Feb 03 2012 2
    posted in: info

    Gathering of the Goof Punx - The worlds best DIY festival is coming at you!

    What's the Gathering of the Goof Punx?. Only the finest DIY Festival in the world, and it's happening right here in Portland, Oregon April 5th-8th.. Forget about the corporate shwill of South by Southwest, Musicfest NW, and all other such bullshit - the Gathering of the Goofpunx is a homemade, not-for-profit fest, celebrating DIY culture and music.. Event organizers have a parade planned, a punk rock spelling bee, the world's biggest game of knockout (you know, that schoolyard basketball game!), and a whole shit ton of amazing DIY bands that have never had their music used in a Gap commercial or Navy advertisement.After paying the venues and giving the touring bands some gas money, all proceeds are going to local charities and non-profits.

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    Apr 04 2012 0
    posted in: info


    A DIY-punk celebration in Portland, OR.The Gathering Of The Goofpunx is a celebration of DIY-Punk culture in Portland, OR.. THIS weekend will feature all-ages punk shows, a parade, a spelling bee, a punk rock carnival, a recovery brunch screening of Weird Al’s classic “UHF”, and a bunch of other weird/fun shit.. If DIY-punk culture was only about music, it would be fucking boring.Check out the full gathering of the goofpunx schedule on pc-pdx and bop on over to the official goofpunx tumblr.. Danikordani (and so many others!) have done a radtastic job at setting this shit up and we're pretty fuckass excited for it!H1!

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    Apr 08 2012 2
    posted in: info

    James is a Homosexual

    It's not often that you knowingly get to be a part in one of the most amazing and powerful moments of a persons life - and i'm not just talking about the man with the mic.. What we all got to be a part of tonight at The Gathering was obsurd and outstanding.. There were, most certainly, a few people at Backspace tonight who felt (at least the beginning of) a huge weight lifted off them and their lives are all that much better for it.Goofpunx is friends, Goofpunx is family.Goofpunx recognize courage and conviction and turn life into beauty.. I love all you motherfukers!Please continue to support each other and embrace everybody for who they are and all the good inside of them.

    Check out the full article

    Apr 15 2012 6
    posted in: info

    WE'RE FIVE YEARS OLD! -a screenshot retrospective

    The Show-Guide at this point, as we've been told by many (thanks!), is the tip top kaleidoscope of cool as far as any diy show listing site goes.. It is an open-to-anybody wiki where you can post and edit any show to keep everybody up to date on the cool shit that happens here in pdx.. Back in 2007 there was not any central place to find and talk about shows or to keep everybody updated on last minute changes : just bands with myspace pages furiously sending out bulletins at 5pm saying that the 8'oclock show had to move houses across town or whatever and that just want awesome.We created the show-guide wiki, as it stands now, over the last five years.. I got nostalgic a few days back and decided to hit Archive.org to go through some of their screenshots of the various site styles through the years.

    Check out the full article

    May 18 2012 0
    posted in: info

    PDX Pop Now! Unveils 2012 Compilation Track Listing and All-Ages

    PDX Pop Now! -- Portland's premier DIY music festival, compilation and music advocacy organization has announced the track listing for this year's compilation and plans for the CD Release Show.. Portland music fans will be pleased to find out that PDX Pop Now! has announced the track listing for the ninth installment of their much heralded compilation.. The 2-disc set is stacked with 41 tracks from some of Portland, OR's finest musicians.. Sun Angle, , Wild Ones, Hollywood Tans, , Rose along with DJ Porsche Cayenne, have been tapped to perform and provide music between bands at this year's CD Release Benefit which will be held June 7th at Holocene.

    Check out the full article

    Oct 19 2012 4
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    Slabtown getting spruced up & all ages

    Been hanging out at SLABTOWN in NW PDX planning a party (10/27 @ Slabtown!) and am really impressed how the new owner, Doug, is making that place SHINE!! It was always a cool space, but hard to get good dynamics due to the low ceilings and concrete everywhere - 'twas WALL OF RACKET - THIS IS ALL CHANGING.. The stage area acoustics have been adjusted, and the stage has been spruced up and looks good (if you will recall, it used to be a shithole). Furthermore, the kitchen and food look great too - in a nod to SATYRICON'S FELLINI/EAT OR DIE there is a decided Greek/Middle Eastern slant (pita bread, hummus, salads etc), and they offer hand-cut fries as well.. Cheap and vegan-friendly.. Here is the kicker: Starting in November, they are preparing to do ALL AGES shows!

    Check out the full article

    pc-pdx via Kenric
    Aug 08 2014 3
    posted in: info

    East End Temporarily Closed Due to Fire

    East End is closed for at least this weekend due to the fire that took place at the Osborn Building this morning as reported by KATU.. East End will reopen as soon as possible.. How long will depend on the extent of damage inside the bar and show room.. We will keep people updated about our status through the website at www.eastendportand.com (the design of which by the way was recently updated by our good friends at DBmonkey so this is a great time to check that out!) and via these email list updates.

    Check out the full article

    useless facts

    56 upcoming shows @ 20 different spots

    50 upcoming shows with flyers

    4 ALL AGES shows!

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    Jake Prog, fusion, adventurous storytelling @bunkbar 3/28! Julie and the East, Stinkbug, National Diet
    -3/3/2025 8:28:31 PM
    Graciella Hesse @snug, the [Mar 12, 2025] » Hope to see everyone there! Whoever you are! Whatever you are! However you are! Whenever you are! Whyever you are!
    -2/23/2025 6:24:21 PM
    Small Million @tender loving empire hq [Feb 28, 2025] » TLE is excited to welcome Small Million and Isabeau Waia'u Walker to our warehouse with liquid light projections from Coast Range Lights! ¤ Doors at 7pm ¤ 7pm- DJ DaCosta ¤ 8pm- Isabeau Waia’u Walker ¤ 8:30-9pm - DJ ¤ 9pm- Small Million ¤ 10pm- DJ ¤ 11pm - Close ¤…read the full comment
    -2/20/2025 10:06:16 PM
    Heather @saturn house [Feb 08, 2025] » All proceeds benefit MATW project who are doing amazing work in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and beyond ❤️
    -2/7/2025 10:30:35 PM
    QuiveringLip @turn turn turn [Feb 09, 2025] » Noisy all ages Sunday matinee! What more could you want?
    -2/4/2025 9:36:05 PM
    GN Meals on Wheels benefit show FRI 2/21 Hawthorne Hideway, all door proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels People!
    -2/4/2025 9:01:28 PM
    Holly Rohr Please join us for an evening of live music. It's going to be a great show!
    -1/24/2025 12:23:49 PM
    Jake Avant/prog/experimental/goth at AZOTH on 2/1! Join us for CONVEXITY!
    -1/17/2025 10:29:36 AM
    Bent Spokes Posse @cascade bar & grill [Feb 01, 2025] » This will be a fun night full of epic rock music and dancing. Join us!
    -1/11/2025 4:44:48 PM
    Jake Prog/Experimental rockers Rainbow Face release their second album 12/6 @ High Water Mark!
    -11/13/2024 11:04:23 AM
    Jake McLoud @firkin tavern, the [Nov 29, 2024] » Sad Times Productions Presents: Friends'Giving Fest 2024 - A benefit for the Piegan Institute ¤ ¤ 3 nights! 11 bands! Local Indigenous vendors! Raffle prizes! ¤ ¤ http://www.pieganinstitute.org/ ¤ http://www.sadtimesproductions.com ¤…read the full comment
    -11/12/2024 10:53:49 AM
    Derek @six below midnight, the [Nov 08, 2024] » Shadowgraphs - Equally inspired by classic psychedelic pop and modern indie rock, the latest album finds the band branching out and incorporating shoegaze, post-punk, and dream pop influences into their sound. The resulting album calls to mind the effervescent melodies of labelmates Sugar Candy Mountain, the…read the full comment
    -10/28/2024 7:44:02 PM
    Derek @six below midnight, the [Nov 07, 2024] » Los Bunyans - The Bunyans are a rock band from Mexico City formed in 2015 with a unique sound that incorporates a wide variety of genres including but not limited to garage rock, punk rock, surf rock, country, blues, noise rock and heavy metal. They’ve shared the stage with bands such as Oh Sees, Night Beats, and…read the full comment
    -10/28/2024 7:40:18 PM
    Brian @alberta rose theater [Nov 07, 2024] » We are proud to share with you a collaboration of two of Portland’s hardest working bands The Colin Trio and Ben Rice and the PDX Hustle. These bands are joining forces in celebration of the newest album release Didn’t Mean To from the Colin Trio. Get ready for an evening of genre bending music from soul, jazz,…read the full comment
    -10/22/2024 6:42:06 PM
    Mountain Meadows Massacre @snug, the [Oct 19, 2024] » First show back for our drummer and first show in town in a long time ! ¤
    -10/17/2024 7:22:30 PM
    NASALROD + GAYTHEIST + MACHINE COUNTRY on SATURDAY SEPT 28TH at POLARIS HALL! @polaris hall [Sep 28, 2024] » NASALROD is thrilled to finally reunite with the mighty GAYTHEIST here in PDX! We'll be playing at the splendid POLARIS HALL (a great room with an excellent sound system)...and it'll be the B-DAY show for Gaytheist's own Tim Hoff!! PLUS: amazing newcomers MACHINE COUNTRY will be tearing it up right at 8pm SHARP,…read the full comment
    -9/8/2024 12:24:51 PM
    Gretta @fixin’ to, the [Sep 01, 2024] » So pumped to play our first ever show!! ¤ ¤ https://musiceveryweek.bandcamp.com/track/leu-s-d-meow-mix
    -8/11/2024 9:26:26 PM
    NASALROD + SWAMPBUCK on SUNDAY JULY 28th at RONTOMS (FREE & OUTDOORS)! @rontoms [Jul 28, 2024] » Nasalrod is excited to finally return to the RONTOMS outdoor patio! PLUS, our buds SWAMPBUCK (feat. members of The Fur Coats & ROOM) will be making a super RARE appearance!! FREE, OUTDOORS, & with a GREAT sound system!!! Music at 8:30PM.
    -7/20/2024 12:47:07 PM
    Yury Gödl355 @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » OMG, the ultimate Speed-rock fuckband! ¤ In a sweltering hot Dante's inferno!
    -7/13/2024 6:59:13 PM
    DAIKAIJU + NASALROD + RAILING ON FRIDAY JULY 12TH AT DANTES! @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » THIS FRIDAY NIGHT! NASALROD & RAILING will support the EPIC kaiju/monster-themed band DAIKAIJU!! There will be FIRE...and ya don't wanna miss it, as this is gonna seriously RULE. Advance tix are strongly advised!!!
    -7/11/2024 12:44:46 PM
    pc-pdx Thanks @Z - I'll look into that and fix it
    -7/9/2024 12:55:22 PM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 28, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:27:45 AM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 26, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:15:34 AM
    𝐋ú𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚 @dundee lodge, the [Jul 25, 2024] » We cordially invite you to join our family in the woods 🌲
    -7/7/2024 12:10:04 AM
    Lisa @starday tavern [Jul 04, 2024] » Early show! starts at 5 pm sharp!! Yank yer doodle dandies down there!
    -7/2/2024 9:02:16 AM
    bastardsalt [Free Show Alert] ¤ ¤ Railside Pub 8pm ¤ ¤ Bastard Salt ¤ Cactus Man ¤ Coy Pussy ¤ ¤ Punk, Femme, ripping & rockin’! ¤ ¤ If you don’t have plans! C’mon out!
    -6/29/2024 4:18:23 PM
    Z The mobile site usually only shows half the shows!
    -6/28/2024 7:06:00 PM
    Lisa Lee @misdemeanor meadows [Jun 27, 2024] » Cancer Benefit show for Corrina, Jeff TRuhn's lady. Please come, and help out.
    -6/20/2024 4:48:48 PM
    DAIKAIJU + NASALROD + RAILING on FRIDAY JULY 12th at DANTES! @dante's [Jul 12, 2024] » NASALROD & RAILING will soon support the EPIC kaiju/monster-themed band DAIKAIJU! FRIDAY JULY 12th at DANTE'S...this is gonna seriously rule!! Advance tix are advised!!!
    -6/20/2024 12:20:02 PM
    jenn's sushi dayz. Redroom, Portland, feat Human ¢-apede on surround sound. Spicy like red meat chicken. 5 Pm.
    -6/4/2024 11:00:20 PM
    Guinevere Q @starday tavern [Jul 30, 2024] » Electronic space rock duo SUNQ performs an original sci-fi musical story about astronauts, love, and resistance. Free show starts at 7pm SHARP! Stick around after the performance for Party Portal Shaqtime 10pm - Midnight!
    -6/3/2024 2:40:47 PM
    Jake @azoth [May 31, 2024] » Microtonal rock, prog, and post-punk tonight at Azoth! The Mercury Tree, Rainbow Face, and Artifacts of Fiction tear it up
    -5/31/2024 10:18:46 AM
    Twobuck40 What's the deal with Speeds Autobody?
    -5/18/2024 8:57:27 AM
    Jake @turn turn turn [May 18, 2024] » Big prog show this Saturday at Turn Turn Turn with Moon Letters all the way from Seattle!
    -5/13/2024 9:35:35 AM
    Cranefist Ride or die slow rollerz // take the lane ¤ ¤ ¤ Let's gig!!! ¤ @cranefistridersclub
    -5/10/2024 5:26:59 AM
    Domersi We sure want to see more of his music in our State of Arkansas.
    -5/5/2024 4:12:39 PM
    lesamonster I was told to "ask a punk" about the @dollarsignstheband show on June 18th. If you see something, say something. :)
    -4/30/2024 9:54:57 AM
    Andrew @misdemeanor meadows [May 23, 2024] » https://fb.me/e/gEGruvG7M
    -4/27/2024 10:58:27 AM
    NASALROD (Album Release!) + DIVERS + THE MISTONS - SAT MAY 4TH! @polaris hall [May 04, 2024] » Nasalrod is verrry excited to play w/DIVERS & THE MISTONS for our ALBUM RELEASE show at Polaris Hall on SAT, MAY the 4th!! It'll be a Polaris DEBUT for all three bands!!! See you there. -Nasalrod
    -4/19/2024 10:58:59 AM
    Valusint @revolution hall [Apr 11, 2024] » Portland-based composer/musician Alicia Jo Rabins joins sonic forces with 130 singers from the award-winning Camas High School Choir, a trio of top-tier rock musicians, and the vaunted Third Angle New Music string trio for the dynamic world premiere of I Was A Desert: Songs of the Matriarchs. ¤ ¤ I…read the full comment
    -4/6/2024 2:08:29 PM
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